All of their important work is done underground. Their present tunnel vision is confined to circular holes beneath the Swiss-French border. In July 2012 the hobbits announced they had found their long-lost Higgs particle! But had they?
Their theorist, Higgs, said they'd find his treasure if they had materialistic faith and put enough worldly energy into their search. Despite the dire financial state of Euroland they managed to get funding for one of the biggest materialistic science projects the hobbits had ever dreamed of. Much is at stake.
The problem is that Higgs' treasure is buried deep. When hobbits get their protons smashing at near-light speeds into each other to reveal the treasure they seek within, it's already gone and decayed into detritus before they can lay their hands on it! Terribly frustrating! But they've developed quick-capture imaging devices.
Since July 2012 the hobbits have mostly gone quiet! In fact, some young hobbits got so restless they made a movie about zombies haunting their tunnels! What's really going on down there in those tunnels filled with stupendously expensive scientific equipment? Especially as things on the surface of Euroland are looking so economically grim?
Hobbits looking for Higgs needed to come up with something to placate economically drained Eurolanders on the surface! In July 2012 they engineered a celebration of sorts, announcing that yes, they'd found statistical evidence for the existence of Higgs at around the energy levels they theorized for the boson.
What does this mean for those on the surface not indoctrinated in the dark, material, tunnel-vision of hobbits? Especially as the end of a major Mayan time-cycle approached on 21st December 2012? WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH MATTER, and hobbits looking for IT?
Matter constitutes every "thing" in the current world paradigm! Without matter there'd be no material "things"! No material forms! Imagine having dreams in your head, theories, ideologies, but no material world to work them out in! Can you imagine no "thing" at all to support the material cosmos? It'd collapse into no "thing"ness! What the hobbits are tunnelling for is their very materialistic existence! So far what they've come up with in their tunnel-visions is NOT INSPIRING!
Mass, or matter, is dark, heavy stuff related in some way to gravity and the form of all material "things" in the cosmos. If Higgs isn't correct in his theoretical prognostications, then the hobbits will have to dream up another vision to endow "things" with mass and form. Meanwhile, the superficial world spins and weaves away with fraying thread. The material aspect of "things" is getting a little worn, frayed and decayed, just like Higgs and his particles.
It's most fitting that symbols of Euroland include a woman riding a beast in frayed clothing, and as in the Book of Revelations appearing in heaven with twelve stars around her head. Such are symbolic dreams or theories in men's minds, while "things" below fall to pieces and vanish like shadows when light shines on them. The Higgs field is the dark, shadowy, material side of a split, dualistic, sinful mind. Hobbits trapped in their own tunnel-vision mindfields, digging their own mass graves.
Their theorist, Higgs, said they'd find his treasure if they had materialistic faith and put enough worldly energy into their search. Despite the dire financial state of Euroland they managed to get funding for one of the biggest materialistic science projects the hobbits had ever dreamed of. Much is at stake.
The problem is that Higgs' treasure is buried deep. When hobbits get their protons smashing at near-light speeds into each other to reveal the treasure they seek within, it's already gone and decayed into detritus before they can lay their hands on it! Terribly frustrating! But they've developed quick-capture imaging devices.
Since July 2012 the hobbits have mostly gone quiet! In fact, some young hobbits got so restless they made a movie about zombies haunting their tunnels! What's really going on down there in those tunnels filled with stupendously expensive scientific equipment? Especially as things on the surface of Euroland are looking so economically grim?
Hobbits looking for Higgs needed to come up with something to placate economically drained Eurolanders on the surface! In July 2012 they engineered a celebration of sorts, announcing that yes, they'd found statistical evidence for the existence of Higgs at around the energy levels they theorized for the boson.
What does this mean for those on the surface not indoctrinated in the dark, material, tunnel-vision of hobbits? Especially as the end of a major Mayan time-cycle approached on 21st December 2012? WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH MATTER, and hobbits looking for IT?
Matter constitutes every "thing" in the current world paradigm! Without matter there'd be no material "things"! No material forms! Imagine having dreams in your head, theories, ideologies, but no material world to work them out in! Can you imagine no "thing" at all to support the material cosmos? It'd collapse into no "thing"ness! What the hobbits are tunnelling for is their very materialistic existence! So far what they've come up with in their tunnel-visions is NOT INSPIRING!
Mass, or matter, is dark, heavy stuff related in some way to gravity and the form of all material "things" in the cosmos. If Higgs isn't correct in his theoretical prognostications, then the hobbits will have to dream up another vision to endow "things" with mass and form. Meanwhile, the superficial world spins and weaves away with fraying thread. The material aspect of "things" is getting a little worn, frayed and decayed, just like Higgs and his particles.
It's most fitting that symbols of Euroland include a woman riding a beast in frayed clothing, and as in the Book of Revelations appearing in heaven with twelve stars around her head. Such are symbolic dreams or theories in men's minds, while "things" below fall to pieces and vanish like shadows when light shines on them. The Higgs field is the dark, shadowy, material side of a split, dualistic, sinful mind. Hobbits trapped in their own tunnel-vision mindfields, digging their own mass graves.