Wednesday 6 February 2013

Money Gone Bad

Review - "Modernising Money" by Andrew Jackson and Ben Dyson

"Money makes the world go round." However, ongoing chronic failures in banking, finance and monetary systems are causing massive global economic instability and are prompting urgent distress calls for monetary reforms. "Modernising Money" presents a clear explanation of why the current monetary system has gone wrong, with substantial proposals for radical reforms.

"Money doesn't grow on trees." Unnatural, human-contrived money and the arcane, shady world of banking are exposed to a clear light of enquiry in "Modernising Money". Some widely held false beliefs concerning present-day banking practices are carefully explained in the first part of the book - "The Current Monetary System". In the second part - "The Reformed Monetary System" - some very sensible and well-reasoned reforms for our current broken-down banking system are proposed.

"The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil." However, money seems to be necessary for the functioning of our worldly activities and complex global exchanges. Meanwhile, ongoing financial crises especially in the UK, EU, USA and Japan are also having knock-on consequences in social and political as well as economic spheres of human activity. It's therefore essential for us to understand money more thoroughly, and not allow bankers and financiers to pull one over on us for their own personal benefit. "Modernising Money" is a very timely explanation of monetary practices for the layman, and offers valid proposals for reforms that need serious consideration by all concerned with our personal, national and global economic situation.

"Money, money, money, it's a rich man's world." In section 5.3 entitled "Inequality" it is stated that "for there to be a supply of money, some people must be in debt." Again in section 5.4 entitled "Private Debt" it states: "For there to be money, there must also be debt." Money, if without intrinsic value such as gold or silver, is little more than "I owe you" notes or promissory tokens. It is therefore a symbol of debt to be repaid or exchanged for goods or services at a later date. As money thus has negative connotations associated with evil and debt, "Positive Money" would seem to be an ironic name for the organisation through which the authors are promoting their timely ideas for radical monetary reforms.

However, our current obviously dysfunctional monetary, financial and banking systems certainly cry out for some positive propositions and fertile grounds to plant new seeds for healthy growth and prosperity. In section 9.4 it states that in the proposed reformed system "money will exist without a corresponding debt." This refers to current commercial bank practices of monetising debt and using leverage to effectively create money, whereas money itself is actually a symbol of debt i.e. IOU notes or tokens that can be exchanged for goods or services at a later date. The proposed reforms largely shift the control of money away from commercial banks towards an independent central bank which would then control the issuance of fiat tokens in the form of electronic money, notes and coins.

I recommend "Modernising Money" for its clear explanations of banking, and its opening up of new possibilities for a world grown weary and wilting while watching the current system's spent shells fall, apparently having shot itself in the foot, or worse, and limping along very badly on crutches provided by tax-payers through the agency of the state.

Tuesday 18 December 2012

What's The Matter With Higgs' Hobbits?

All of their important work is done underground. Their present tunnel vision is confined to circular holes beneath the Swiss-French border. In July 2012 the hobbits announced they had found their long-lost Higgs particle! But had they?

Their theorist, Higgs, said they'd find his treasure if they had materialistic faith and put enough worldly energy into their search. Despite the dire financial state of Euroland they managed to get funding for one of the biggest materialistic science projects the hobbits had ever dreamed of. Much is at stake.

The problem is that Higgs' treasure is buried deep. When hobbits get their protons smashing at near-light speeds into each other to reveal the treasure they seek within, it's already gone and decayed into detritus before they can lay their hands on it! Terribly frustrating! But they've developed quick-capture imaging devices.

Since July 2012 the hobbits have mostly gone quiet! In fact, some young hobbits got so restless they made a movie about zombies haunting their tunnels! What's really going on down there in those tunnels filled with stupendously expensive scientific equipment? Especially as things on the surface of Euroland are looking so economically grim?

Hobbits looking for Higgs needed to come up with something to placate economically drained Eurolanders on the surface! In July 2012 they engineered a celebration of sorts, announcing that yes, they'd found statistical evidence for the existence of Higgs at around the energy levels they theorized for the boson.

What does this mean for those on the surface not indoctrinated in the dark, material, tunnel-vision of hobbits? Especially as the end of a major Mayan time-cycle approached on 21st December 2012? WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH MATTER, and hobbits looking for IT?

Matter constitutes every "thing" in the current world paradigm! Without matter there'd be no material "things"! No material forms! Imagine having dreams in your head, theories, ideologies, but no material world to work them out in! Can you imagine no "thing" at all to support the material cosmos? It'd collapse into no "thing"ness! What the hobbits are tunnelling for is their very materialistic existence! So far what they've come up with in their tunnel-visions is NOT INSPIRING!

Mass, or matter, is dark, heavy stuff related in some way to gravity and the form of all material "things" in the cosmos. If Higgs isn't correct in his theoretical prognostications, then the hobbits will have to dream up another vision to endow "things" with mass and form. Meanwhile, the superficial world spins and weaves away with fraying thread. The material aspect of "things" is getting a little worn, frayed and decayed, just like Higgs and his particles.

It's most fitting that symbols of Euroland include a woman riding a beast in frayed clothing, and as in the Book of Revelations appearing in heaven with twelve stars around her head. Such are symbolic dreams or theories in men's minds, while "things" below fall to pieces and vanish like shadows when light shines on them. The Higgs field is the dark, shadowy, material side of a split, dualistic, sinful mind. Hobbits trapped in their own tunnel-vision mindfields, digging their own mass graves.

Friday 5 October 2012

Tooth Fairy - Pull The Other One

Tooth Fairies - Money For Pulling Another One

A lot of scams have obviously been going on, not only in dental practices, but in medicine generally and much else besides! The dentist mentioned in the above article was proved to be utterly corrupt and should be barred for life from dentistry and medicine unless she is 100% supervised.

On smaller scales than the woman dentist mentoned above there are other dentists doing similar things! If it benefits the dentist they will often recommend private rather than NHS treatment. However, that won't necessarily be of benefit to the patient who has paid NI contributions to the UK government, some of which pay for NHS! There's confusion amongst the sheople/public about NHS/private treatment and economics.

Then there are dentists who push expensive treatments because there are big profits in it for them... Big Pharma push the dentists too, and bribe them!

Denis Menace went for a dental check-up. The dentist suggested quite a bit of work was needed. "Private" was recommended. But no reliable estimate of the cost could be given.

Menace thought he was being suckered in, with torture implements being waved before his face!

"Why have i been paying NI contributions all these years?" he asked. The dentist gagged on that.

"I'll have it on NHS," Menace said. The dentist choked on that.

Menace thought this dentist was going to be unreliable for NHS treatment for some reason suggested by the dentist's shifty and unusual behaviour. So Menace said he'd go to India and have all his teeth taken out there at the cost of only one toxic mercury (Hg) filling in the UK!

The dentist didn't like that at all, and told Menace he'd have to pay £10 for the check-up. Menace got up and walked out laughing, exposing all his bad teeth.

"Pull the other one!" he shouted to the red-faced dentist.

The dentist is still pushing his court case against Menace for non-payment. But Menace is in South India toothlessly chewing on vegetarian food, and quite happy with the outcome.

The dentist ran his Maserati off the road into the ditch on the way back from the court case, which Menace did not attend. He did that when he realized the court case was costing him much more than the £10 Menace refuses to pay!

Money for old teeth is little more than "Tooth Fairy" business. Sleep on it, and hope it turns into money when you wake up! Perhaps a deeply institutionalised and regulated "Tooth Fairy" profession needs shaking and waking up.

- Show quoted text -

Wednesday 29 August 2012

US$16,000,000,000,000 And Counting

US Debt Loads One-Armed-Bandit Machine

US debt is just now going over US$16 trillion... with no end in sight!

It's looking more like Romney and his money machine men will pull their one-armed bandit and win the jackpot in the US "democracy" casino in November! Blame Obama for feeding all that lolly into the machine without any payback in terms of much-promised "hope" or even any small "change"!

Can you spare a dime? A nickel will do. Obama's "change" seems backwards to 1930s!

So how will Romney's one-armed-bandit machine hit jackpot, rather than get sucked deeper down the debt drain?

Romney's money machine men have ensured they don't pay much taxes to feed the machine. They know better than to expose themselves any more than needed to US government debt liabilities. The machine is fed and loaded by Joe Soap who is about to be taken to the cleaners! Romney's capitalist running dogs will have a field day when the US government and its increasingly squeezed citizens go broke to leave the nation's and citizens' assets at knock-down, giveaway prices for the already rich money machine men to snap up. Wuf, wuf, woof.. and may the Devil take the hindmost!

Obama was a throwaway puppet used by the one-armed-bandit masters of corporate USA to load the money machine up with an "invisible hand of the market" while proffering "hope" for a rapidly dwindling, small "change" with his visible hand.

Ripe time is approaching to pull the lever and deliver the jackpot assets of USA into the hands of Romney's money machine men. Joe Soap will be left squeaky clean with US$ notes to use as toilet paper, but his ass will be owned by the one-armed-bandit capitalist running dogs.

The American Dream of Romney's money machine has a flipside similar to Adam Smith's market theory's invisible hand, but it certainly isn't the much-hyped "win-win" situation! The flip will produce a flop, the dream will turn to nightmare, the capitalist lever on the US elections will drain the pot of public debt and break the US government to leave an unruly BEAST - Capitalism Without Government!

Sovereign Man newsletter
August 29, 2012

If you haven't heard yet, the United States of America just hit $16 trillion in debt yesterday. On a gross, nominal basis, this makes the US, by far, the greatest debtor in the history of the world.

It took the United States government over 200 years to accumulate its first trillion dollars of debt. It took only 286 days to accumulate the most recent trillion dollars of debt. 200 years vs. 286 days. This portends two key points:

1. Anyone who thinks that inflation doesn't exist is a complete idiot;
2. To say that the trend is unsustainable is a massive understatement. 

At an average interest rate of 2.130%, Uncle Sam will shuffle $340 billion out the door just in interest payments this year... and it's a number that's only going up. To put it in context, China owns so much US debt that the INTEREST INCOME they receive from the Treasury Department is nearly enough to fund their entire military budget.

It's rather disgusting when you think about it.

Yet when you look at the raw numbers, there is no sign of improvement anywhere on the horizon. Last year, the Treasury Department brought in about $2.3 trillion in tax revenue. They spent $2.9 trillion JUST on -mandatory- programs like Social Security and Medicare, plus the very sacrosanct defense budget.

In other words, the US government was $600 billion dollars in the hole before paying a dime of interest on the debt, or paying the light bill at the White House. In fact the government's own numbers reflect a budget deficit through the end of the decade, i.e. the debt level is only going to get higher. These are their own figures.

In the 19th century, the Ottoman Empire was facing a similar debt crisis. In just 11-years, the Ottoman central government went from spending 17% of its tax revenue on interest payments, to spending over 52% of its tax revenue on interest payments. Then came default. Eleven years. The US is at 15% right now. How long will it take for the interest burden to become unbearable?

History is full of examples of superpowers bucking under the weight of their debt. This is not the first time that it's happened, and it won't be the last.

Sovereign debt is a giant confidence game. Investors buy bonds on the belief that governments can (and will) pay. When that confidence is chipped away, the cost of capital becomes debilitating. And people tend to notice a $16 trillion debt burden.

This is banana republic stuff, plain and simple... and smart, thinking people ought to be planning on capital controls, wage and price controls, pension confiscation, and selective default. Because the next trillion will be here before you know it.

Simon Black
Senior Editor

Wrong-Footed Western Medicine

Superbug-Antibiotic Battle

Western Medicine is in an ongoing battle with a very clever enemy, nature, which produces new forms of bacteria and viruses, sometimes called superbugs, that our immune system is unprepared to deal with. The development and usage of antibiotic medicines over the past 100 years seems now to be in an accelerating battle with a parallel development of antigens resistant to antiobiotics, thus rendering them useless and driving medical researchers to develop even cleverer antibiotics to deal with the new invaders. 

The human immune system is an extremely complex defense mechanism which defends our bodies against foreign invaders. Neutophils are white blood cells in the first line of defense which can eat and destroy harmful bacteria, viruses and other antigens. Western research is now indicating that vitamin B3 can boost neutrophils immune cell response to the deadly Staphylococcus aureus bacteria superbug.

It is interesting that the company Livestrong lists nicotinamide which is used in cancer treatment. Livestrong was started by US cyclist Lance Armstrong who survived cancer to go on and win cycling events. Last week Armstrong had his medals taken from him after he ceased fighting a legal battle against doping allegations!

B3, or nicotinamide, is found in many kinds of food - grains, nuts, yogurt, fish and chicken. A natural balanced diet has all we need, after all, humans find themselves in a natural environment on earth that is suited for them over millions of years and much longer if we see ourselves as related to ALL LIFE. Of course, man-made artificial environments in which many exist in the modern world are now not natural at all, are unbalanced, polluted, psychologically stressed, while people eat unbalanced processed foods.

The western medical mindset tries to deal with the results of living in an artificial man-made environment by using man-made antibiotics and dietary supplements to treat dis-ease. However, the balance and ease of living in harmony with nature has been lost due to a departure into an artificial, man-made, modern world of scientific and technological development which is utterly out of balance with nature. Medical researchers then try to remedy the gross imbalance with pure chemical drugs, drastic interventions and treatments. New superbugs then crop up apparently out of nowhere to attack humans in the very hospitals which are supposed to be healing them, while human immune systems seem to be going haywire causing increased allergies.

Western medicine is not on track to attain any ease or balance whatsoever with nature! Rather the paradigm mindset it's framed within is driving more dis-ease and more imbalance! At a more philosophical level man is seen to be utterly wrong in his thinking that he can control and be master of nature as the western scientific mindset has increasingly imagined in recent times. Man is actually damaging his natural environment and the lifeforms that depend on it, and destroying his own health in the process. Western scientists remain utterly arrogant in their belief that they will be able to understand and control nature using their chronically dis-eased mindsets and wrong, narrow, boxed-in, materialistic paradigm!

The way forward is to live in balance and harmony with nature, listening to what nature teaches us, rather than following the narrow-minded, controlled-experiment methods of materialistic scientists which obviously produce very limited results. Drugs, agro-chemicals and supplements developed by western science, not to mention DNA manipulation, are often later found to be very harmful, despite regulatory bureau-rat efforts! Such developments are obviously increasingly out of balance with nature. Man is arrogantly interfering in the natural environment and lifeforms on earth with a seriously wrong paradigm, or mindset.

Rather than only following the very narrow and increasingly specialized approach of western science, such as the effects of nicotinamide on neutrophils and the immune system, it is necessary to look at the whole human organism together with the environment it lives in so as to understand where the imbalances arise that cause dis-ease. Dis-ease is the result and indication of imbalance with nature. The immune system does not work separately from the whole organism, and neither does anything else work separately or in isolation from anything else. The controlled, "clean", scientific environments in which experiments are carried out are unnatural, narrow-minded, and a symptom of the serious aberration of the western scientific mindset! SUCH A MINDSET WILL LEAD TO MORE HORRENDOUS CALAMITIES DOWN THE ROAD!

Nature has sustained lifeforms on this planet for a billion years or more (time is relative, of course). Modern man in a few hundred years now thinks he knows better, with his split-conscious mind terrorizing and decimating lifeforms on this planet. Arrogant materialistic scientists have got something coming to them! And it will be more than a slap in the face! No apologies for the hard words, because hardened materialistic mindsets are asking for a rude awakening! A change of paradigm is already underway which will make the present lot of western medical practitioners look like voodoo witch doctors or worse! However, there may be disasters to go through before the old, boxed-in thinking is changed and a new paradigm, new mind, awakens. Those working in the medical field are advised to open their minds to the change of paradigm already underway.

Comments on the above piece by a researcher in this field:
Neutrophils are the first line of defence in innate immunity and the effector cell in the acquired immune response. I also work on Staphylococcus, particularly S. aureus and so it's very relevant.

It's also very applicable regarding the use of dietary supplements, and the department has published data on this i.e. tablets of whole fruit and vegetable extracts promote the clinical benefits achieved by periodontal therapy. However, as you say, it would be better if the patients were to have a healthy balanced diet in the first place (and healthy lifestyles such as exercise, no smoking etc), although the results published are hugely significant as it highlights the importance of a balanced healthy lifestyle on both dental and medical health.

I wholeheartedly agree with the need for balance in life. I also agree in that you need to keep an open mind when conducting research. As you say when you research, say, neutrophils and Staphylocccus, it is very important to remember that this is only one small piece of the puzzle, and that in life there are lots of other "corresponding" things happening to neighbouring cells that could influence the "results" in-vivo.

Sheldrake's book, The Science Delusion, covers this approach very well, and it makes a lot of sense.

Saturday 25 August 2012

Debt Mountains and Humpty Dumpty

All Fall Down

The absurd U.S. debt mountain is not going away. The wall of money the U.S. government does not have to pay off its public debts is growing by the day. The only surprise is how long the wall of debt has stayed up while it has grown ever bigger and higher.

Murmurs are heard from the Romney morons (sorry, did i mean Mormons?) about putting the US$ back on a gold standard! But if one measure of money is used (M2) this would mean that ALL THE GOLD EVER MINED ON EARTH would be needed to back the US$!

Then there is massive Japanese debt, and growing EU debt too, with Greece leading the way. NO CHANCE IN HELL OF GOVERNMENTS RAISING MONEY TO PAY OFF THESE DEBTS WITHOUT DEVALUING THE MONEY THEY'RE PAID IN!

For example, if i borrowed a million Zimbabwe$ back in 1980 i could have exchanged it immediately for very roughly 10,000 oz. gold. At 10% interest per year i'd maybe have a debt of 20 million Z$ now. But the currency became worthless - 20 million Z$ became worth less than 1US$! So i sell a speck of gold dust to buy back 20 million Z$ to settle my debt. The 10,000 oz gold, minus a speck, which remains mine for all my efforts is now worth about 16 million US$!


It seems obvious, when one applies one's mind to it, but most people seem to be moronically ignorant these days. They are kept that way by those who do know what's going on and are profiting on the other side of those DEBT MOUNTAINS!

Joe Public is stuck with paying back impossible government debt through increased taxes, selling off of public assets to private investors, failure of pension funds and medical services he's contributed to, and the lower value of money in his pocket! Some may be screaming blue murder, but few see what their own elected leaders have done to them!

Over the impossible DEBT MOUNTAINS - which Joe Public cannot see beyond or get his head around - there are those PRIVATE INTERESTS, the global transnational corporations, the wealthy elite few, living in the lap of luxury with more paper or digital money than they can sensibly use.

Capitalist-bought-out government officials - the Bushes, Clintons, Obamas, Blairs, Browns, Camerons, and all the other clowns like them - have been involved in the largest transfer of wealth the world has ever seen, whether they understand what they did and are doing or not! And methinks for the large part they do not understand, but were swept along by global currents they had no moral strength to withstand.

The end result of capitalist-bought-out game plans is a very few absurdly wealthy people who appear on paper to own much of the world's resources, manufacturing production, service industry and finances. Meanwhile, Joe Soap is taken to the cleaners looking for a job to pay him devalued money to stay afloat in the bath with inflated prices for goods and services!

Joe Soap ends up being little more than a serf, slave, or outcast scum of the capitalist-bought-out system. A pool of cheap labor like those poor Africans who were forced to pick cotton on plantations. Joe Soap these days may have no physical chains on him, is not forcefully transported to foreign shores, and actually wants to find work or a job. However, Joe Soap's slavery is worse than having physical chains on his body. His slavery is mental and insidious, because he has no idea how this situation came upon him. And he has no idea what those insurmountable, absurd, DEBT MOUNTAINS looming over his world mean! No, he has no idea! So he's led by the nose!

Beyond the debt mountains, on the other side of their utter absurdity, all is not well either! The Bill Gateses, Carlos Slims and George Soroses have more money in paper or digital form than any human can make much sense of in ordinary terms. Their casino-like capitalist game-plan is to play with the world's resources, betting on the next place to make profits, although they already have enough money to live in stupendous luxury for countless lifetimes.

A nod or shake of a capitalist casino player's head may mean companies go bankrupt with thousands of Joe Soaps out of work. As pure capitalists they see numbers as more important than people - people as mere numbers! They themselves are numb, less than human! They may try to assuage what remains of their burnt-out consciences with humanitarian projects, as failed capitalist-bought-out governments leave large populations in derelict conditions. However, their projects also end up treating humans like guinea pigs, social-engineering material, and don't really solve the problems which their capitalist-game-plan system has brought about in the first place!

The human condition is akin to staring at an impossible wall, currently a global debt mountain, from its two separate sides. There's the side of the poor masses, Joe Public, burdened with massive public debt and taxation to pay it off. Then on the other side of the impossible dividing wall there are a few wealthy elite playing capitalist casino games. No answers are forthcoming from either side! NONE! One side accumulates wealth and perhaps throws away or trickles down some to assuage the pain on the other side where masses of people are bought-out, sold, trafficked, divested and stripped bare like slaves were in the old days. Joe Public is not so much an owner of anything, as owned, bought and sold! He sold his birthright, and thus he's no longer his own master but ruled by others whose rules he does not understand or have any say in making.

The rich elite, play their capitalist casino games with world resources and people as chips. They tend to see the world's problems as not of their making, but rather made by people themselves! However, they are really slaves of the enslaved public because the whole capitalist board they play on is based on the world's population and resources - take these away and the elite masters are exposed as nothing but worldly tricksters and high-stakes gamblers lacking ethical vision while they sit at their board games fingering their chips.

The wall dividing the world, dividing wealth, causing revolutions and wars, is the duality of the human mind. Humpty Dumpty falls on one side or the other. All the king's horses and all the king's men cannot put Humpty Dumpty back together again! So what is to be done about it?

Thursday 23 August 2012

Life Gives Rise to Universe

Unshackling the Back-to-Front Western Scientific Mindset

Western materialistic science has undoubtedly enabled remarkable developments in technology that have transformed human societies and worldviews over the past few hundred years. However, attempts within the framework of science as we know it to find a unified field, or a complete theory of everything, have so far failed. Meanwhile, quantum theory points towards an enormous omission, false foundations and wrong thinking in the mindset of mainstream materialistic scientists.

The omission is the observer, or rather the life which allows consciousness to arise in the first place so as to subsequently make observations possible. Quantum theory and experiment point out that the observer is intricately entangled in what is observed. It also indicates that time and space are false suppositions, or false foundations. A mindset stuck within the falsely founded paradigm of mainstream materialistic science is inevitably led along false side-tracks on an express train of thought eventually leading to dead-ends, false conclusions or a proliferation of bizarre theories.

Materialistic scientists assume there's a real world of material objects out there in space and time. They set up physical experiments, observe results, theorize about material objects and their interactions. They then construct theories as to how lifeforms arose from material objects, how lifeforms evolved to become more complex and diverse, and how consciousness arose particularly in humans. Theories abound within their paradigm cage as to how the phenomenon of increased complexity of lifeforms comes about, and how consciousness arises from brain activity. However, they're nowhere near understanding how all this really comes about, while evidence strongly suggests their paradigm is seriously wrong! But it's hard to teach old dogs a new trick!

Increasing numbers of scientists, generally scoffed at by Western mainstream materialists, see the need for a radically different paradigm and worldview not based on the false foundations of matter, space or time, which materialistic scientists only assume, without understanding. A paradigm shift in outlook is opening the way to see life giving rise to consciousness, thus bringing about changing forms in apparent time and space. This shift in vision completely changes the worldview of materialistic science, the kind of experiments it carries out and the theories it develops. This change is greater than that brought about by materialistic science and the industrial and technological revolutions IT brought about in recent centuries.

Among a growing number of scientists who are helping to open the caged minds of mainstream materialistic scientists are Rupert Sheldrake. His recent book is entitled "The Science Delusion: Freeing the Spirit of Enquiry".

Robert Lanza is another trail-blazer opening up a new worldview with life at the heart of it, not relegated to a peripheral epiphenomenon of dead matter as materialistic scientists would have it. Co-authored with astronomer Bob Berman, their book is entitled "Biocentrism: How Life and Consciousness are the Keys to Understanding the True Nature of the Universe".