All Fall Down
Murmurs are heard from the Romney morons (sorry, did i mean Mormons?) about putting the US$ back on a gold standard! But if one measure of money is used (M2) this would mean that ALL THE GOLD EVER MINED ON EARTH would be needed to back the US$!
Then there is massive Japanese debt, and growing EU debt too, with Greece leading the way. NO CHANCE IN HELL OF GOVERNMENTS RAISING MONEY TO PAY OFF THESE DEBTS WITHOUT DEVALUING THE MONEY THEY'RE PAID IN!
For example, if i borrowed a million Zimbabwe$ back in 1980 i could have exchanged it immediately for very roughly 10,000 oz. gold. At 10% interest per year i'd maybe have a debt of 20 million Z$ now. But the currency became worthless - 20 million Z$ became worth less than 1US$! So i sell a speck of gold dust to buy back 20 million Z$ to settle my debt. The 10,000 oz gold, minus a speck, which remains mine for all my efforts is now worth about 16 million US$!
It seems obvious, when one applies one's mind to it, but most people seem to be moronically ignorant these days. They are kept that way by those who do know what's going on and are profiting on the other side of those DEBT MOUNTAINS!
Joe Public is stuck with paying back impossible government debt through increased taxes, selling off of public assets to private investors, failure of pension funds and medical services he's contributed to, and the lower value of money in his pocket! Some may be screaming blue murder, but few see what their own elected leaders have done to them!
Over the impossible DEBT MOUNTAINS - which Joe Public cannot see beyond or get his head around - there are those PRIVATE INTERESTS, the global transnational corporations, the wealthy elite few, living in the lap of luxury with more paper or digital money than they can sensibly use.
Capitalist-bought-out government officials - the Bushes, Clintons, Obamas, Blairs, Browns, Camerons, and all the other clowns like them - have been involved in the largest transfer of wealth the world has ever seen, whether they understand what they did and are doing or not! And methinks for the large part they do not understand, but were swept along by global currents they had no moral strength to withstand.
The end result of capitalist-bought-out game plans is a very few absurdly wealthy people who appear on paper to own much of the world's resources, manufacturing production, service industry and finances. Meanwhile, Joe Soap is taken to the cleaners looking for a job to pay him devalued money to stay afloat in the bath with inflated prices for goods and services!
Joe Soap ends up being little more than a serf, slave, or outcast scum of the capitalist-bought-out system. A pool of cheap labor like those poor Africans who were forced to pick cotton on plantations. Joe Soap these days may have no physical chains on him, is not forcefully transported to foreign shores, and actually wants to find work or a job. However, Joe Soap's slavery is worse than having physical chains on his body. His slavery is mental and insidious, because he has no idea how this situation came upon him. And he has no idea what those insurmountable, absurd, DEBT MOUNTAINS looming over his world mean! No, he has no idea! So he's led by the nose!
Beyond the debt mountains, on the other side of their utter absurdity, all is not well either! The Bill Gateses, Carlos Slims and George Soroses have more money in paper or digital form than any human can make much sense of in ordinary terms. Their casino-like capitalist game-plan is to play with the world's resources, betting on the next place to make profits, although they already have enough money to live in stupendous luxury for countless lifetimes.
A nod or shake of a capitalist casino player's head may mean companies go bankrupt with thousands of Joe Soaps out of work. As pure capitalists they see numbers as more important than people - people as mere numbers! They themselves are numb, less than human! They may try to assuage what remains of their burnt-out consciences with humanitarian projects, as failed capitalist-bought-out governments leave large populations in derelict conditions. However, their projects also end up treating humans like guinea pigs, social-engineering material, and don't really solve the problems which their capitalist-game-plan system has brought about in the first place!
The human condition is akin to staring at an impossible wall, currently a global debt mountain, from its two separate sides. There's the side of the poor masses, Joe Public, burdened with massive public debt and taxation to pay it off. Then on the other side of the impossible dividing wall there are a few wealthy elite playing capitalist casino games. No answers are forthcoming from either side! NONE! One side accumulates wealth and perhaps throws away or trickles down some to assuage the pain on the other side where masses of people are bought-out, sold, trafficked, divested and stripped bare like slaves were in the old days. Joe Public is not so much an owner of anything, as owned, bought and sold! He sold his birthright, and thus he's no longer his own master but ruled by others whose rules he does not understand or have any say in making.
The rich elite, play their capitalist casino games with world resources and people as chips. They tend to see the world's problems as not of their making, but rather made by people themselves! However, they are really slaves of the enslaved public because the whole capitalist board they play on is based on the world's population and resources - take these away and the elite masters are exposed as nothing but worldly tricksters and high-stakes gamblers lacking ethical vision while they sit at their board games fingering their chips.
The wall dividing the world, dividing wealth, causing revolutions and wars, is the duality of the human mind. Humpty Dumpty falls on one side or the other. All the king's horses and all the king's men cannot put Humpty Dumpty back together again! So what is to be done about it?
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