Saturday, 11 August 2012

Stranger in Even Stranger World

When one is lost and confused, one knows it, and one can re-orientate one's self!

On 11 August 2012 17:40, Sam Seaman wrote:
Stuff I keep to re-read. This is a few years old now, and it's off about 'dark matter'.
I'm not finding it easy to find info about the magnetic effects of nuclear reaction - all the papers are going the other way (viz: effects of magnetism on nuclear reaction).
Do you know anything?
I thought this might be interesting while you stay out of the rain - if not, I apologise - Sam




"Dark Matter"!

I can give you some general comments or views about "magnetic effects of nuclear reaction" vis-à-vis vice versa!

Old-hat materialistic science, a la Newton to Einstein, tends to give primary importance to matter i.e. particles and forms of energy rather than fields! It tends to see magnetism as arising from a material or form structure e.g. from aligned iron atoms causing a directional field, rather than a magnetic field giving rise to Fe atoms. Your question asks about magnetic field effects caused by nuclear particle reactions in this way. Such as a pebble splashing into water causing field effects in the water field which include energetic waves spreading outwards from the event on the surface.

"Magnetic effects" are field effects, which means magnetism is seen as a field rather than as particles or forms.

By "nuclear reaction" i presume you mean interactions between subatomic particles, including nuclear fission and nuclear fusion reactions in nuclear reactors? These are seen as particle interactions within a field, which may be a magnetic field, a Higgs or morphic field, a gravity or space-time field, a quantum field, etc....

Quantum theory turns things around, and although materialistic scientists don't understand it they are forced to accept what experiment proves to be so. Super-positional waves, or potential fields, collapse into particle events instantaneously when observed!

Nuclear and subatomic particle interactions in reactors are mainly concerned with transfers of energy between particles (neutrinos and photons have no mass!) or into free energy at different wavelengths used to produce heat to generate power. Fission reactions are explained as nuclear decay or disintegration with some mass converted into free energy. Magnetism is generally not seen as important in fission reactions.

Fusion reactions are explained as the binding, of for example two Deuterium nuclei, releasing some mass as free energy. Fusion reactions use extremely strong magnetic fields to contain the reacting plasma of subatomic particles. The energy released is not considered primarily magnetic, but rather a wave spectrum of energy. Anyway, as extremely strong magnetic fields are used in fusion reactors and particle accelerators to contain and focus plasmas, particle beams and subatomic particles, it would be EXTREMELY DIFFICULT to measure any magnetic effects coming out of fusion reactions.

So within "the mental frame of science as we know it" i don't think you'll find much of any "magnetic effects of nuclear reaction" vis-à-vis vice versa, just as you say!

Personally, i think you'll have to look outside "the mental frame of science as we know it" i.e. outside the box.

With "dark matter" my interpretation is that the materialistic view of science is finding itself in a dark, unopened, closed box! The viewer sees what his assumptions are based on in a dualistic inner-outer dichotomy! i.e. He sees writing on the wall, but doesn't understand it! Cause-effect is a similar duality!

My view is that a particle-interaction event with a field effect, magnetic or otherwise, is a DUALITY which actually falls apart instantaneously i.e. there is no cause-effect DUALITY except as it APPEARS outside in the APPARENTLY ASSumed field of space and time, or temporal disorder.
DUALITY arises instantaneously. It's THE DEVIL to understand it! But simply, at the IN STANT the pebble hits the water both the pebble and the water field are ONE! After that "things" fall apart. The answer is with the questioner BEFORE the question is framed!

In "the MENTAL frame of science as we know it" one may surmise that FUN-DA-MENTAL particles interact to cause magnetic field effects! But re-MEMBER Why is a magnetic field vector a pseudo vector? It is the cross product of two vectors. The cross product of two vectors is always a pseudo-vector. This is related to the fact that A x B is not the same as B x A

Essentially i suggest one looks into the precise nature and relationship of the entities one wants to understand. I suggest making no effort in this, but rather look impartially and let "things" fall into their natural places of themselves without any help from you in ordering them.

A magnetic field is directional i.e. N - S  Thus the "magnetic effects" that you are seeking would mean either a scalar strength change or a vector directional change. Magnetic fields are also interrelated with electrical charged particle currents, and i don't think they can be separated i.e. ANOTHER DUALITY! Attempts to separate a magnetic field from a charged electron current or charged proton polarity, i think, may lead to subtler forms of technology, but not to the understanding of what's really going on!

All fields, magnetic and others, are DUALISTIC i.e. they have no meaning in themselves without some "thing" or attribute in the field. Higgs' field is attributed with matter.

Within "the mental frame of science as we know it" nuclear-reaction events are not seen as primarily occurring within a magnetic field - unless one interprets the strong and weak nuclear forces or quark color etc. as phenomena in a magnetic field. PLEASE CHECK THIS AND LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU FIND. Electrons relate to electric charge and current, so protons/neutrons/quarks MAY relate to magnetic field polarity, directionality, or chirality. If so there is deeply imbedded directionality or orientation, as implied by a magnetic field, built into FUN-DA-MENTAL "things"!

Perhaps deep questioning into "things" carries the possible revolutionary effect of turning "the mental frame of science as we know it" upside-down! And it's about time!

I'm completely open to an apparent "magnetic" field orientating the consciousness of an observer so as to instantaneously spin the observer around any ASSumed place or point! Such a FUN-DAAA-MENTAL "magnetic-proton" directionality, "spinning-electron" motion, with resulting woven-fabric material world ENCLOSING AN OBSERVER ALL AROUND WITHIN THE BOUNDS OF THEIR OWN ASSumptions would indeed be PHENOMENAL!

THEREFORE ONE CAN SAY UNEQUIVOCALLY THAT YES, "NUCLEAR REACTIONS" AT THE HEART OF "THINGS" CAN, IN FACT, HAVE "MAGNETIC EFFECTS" ON THE DIRECTION OF "THINGS"... which interpreted means that events can change one's direction or "magnetic orientation" so as to completely change one's entire field of ASSumptions one squats on! Another interpretation is that ASSumptions are found to project HOLLOW GRAVES that are precisely meant for burying them in, and one finds one's self ASS-first gravitating down a BIG SHIT-HOLE sometimes called the ABYSS, or the BOTTOMLESS PIT!

Butt here... we enter META-physical TERROR-TORY MINDSCAPES where just about anything goes... like Higgs' dark matter, meaning his brain, dreaming up a Higgs' field in which matter APPEARS! Then, of course, there's Schrodinger's oblivious cat sitting in a perilous black box awaiting the outcome of a photon's pathway through a half-silvered mirror, completely isolated from all inner-outer communication. Therefore, even scientists DON'T KNOW the result, or what actually goes on!

So, perhaps, you now have some insights into the "things" blocking your pathology on the way to understanding... or perhaps Alice in Wonderland has better answers than the interpretation of my entrails... however, there's no perhaps about a stranger getting lost in a strange world!

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