Sunday, 28 August 2011

Forbidden Fruit Incorporated

Decayed Decade

Too many questions concerning the tragic incidents which occurred on 11th September 2001 remain unresolved for people to rest easy. A deeper historical perspective on the dangers of a corporate-covered "elite" usurping political power in the U.S.A. is given here -

Capitalism in its exposed, naked, unrestrained form = forbidden fruit, evil to the core! Some humans greedy for money and power will stop at nothing in their attempt at global domination. Such humans as Queen Elizabeth II may seem affable, gracious, and genteel in their appearance. But appearances can be very deceptive.

Obama is so obviously a stooge, puppet, a put-up job. It's obvious too that Sakozy, Merkel, Cameron et al are all in the pockets of the same "elite", Bilderbergers, or whatever other label may be used to bottle their concoction.

In the U.K. and E.U., as in the U.S.A., there is a massive transfer of wealth going on from poor, work slaves to the super-rich "elite". Public taxpayers money is being ransacked as states go bankrupt... Iceland... Ireland... Greece... Portugal... Italy... Spain... most U.S. states have long been bankrupt... California has been forced to cut public services due to lack of funds.

We are experiencing the largest plunder of riches in the history of the world. There is no "trickle down"! This is greedy, thirsty sucking up on a global scale!

Essentially, this is the end and aim of capitalism, which is naked, unrestrained greed for profits, riches, wealth, while they cover their intentions with propaganda words like "commonwealth"!

The British Empire was built on high-seas piracy. The slave trade, the East India Co. (set up by Queen Elizabeth I on 31st December 1600), the Opium Wars (1839-1860) with China...

The Anglo-Saxon model of piracy trade, greedy capitalism, slimy banking, slave-mill industry, and sick "Protestant work ethic" is now coming into fully ripened, if not already rotten, fruit. Falling all around the globe for people to smell the stink of it! Bad banks, bad apples, bad mortgage loans, bad debts, bad, bad, bad...

The harvest is overripe, but few there be prepared to take it in! The unprepared will be cut off, harvested, divested at the end of the world! The few prepared will have a feast. But many have worldly excuses not to come to the feast at the end of the world!

The "elite", capitalist, forbidden-fruit eaters will see their riches rot to their core! They will be divested and exposed... no short-covering for such error!

1 comment:

  1. With the success of current research into longevity carried out by the Harvard school of natural sciences at last the goal of possible eternal life is within the grasp of the moneyed elite. It involves unlocking the gene for longevity active naturally only in germ cells. in somatic cells. Mice with five times the normal life span and greater vigor have been bred. Woe betide the majority of us with the eternal Kissinger or Rockerfeller.
