Towards the edge
Police violence begets social violence begets increased state control begets deeper unrest...
Meanwhile, DEAF-IS-IT? Heads confabulate on how to buy Greek, Italian, Spanish debt with a lot more money they don't have, but plan to pick from taxpayers pockets one way or another... Looting at high levels begets looting on the streets... The spiral is downwards, just like cyclonic whirlpools eddying down storm-drains... Those with property and capital have increased need for security, as social, economic and political foundations give way... sinking feelings all around... in markets, streets, minds and hearts... portending desperate, even absurd, measures... Police are not known for their intelligence... police dogs seem to have more... but this means we can expect dog-eat-dog at best... as state police-dogs fiercely guard vested the private interests of the TerrorTories... dogs' dinners ConDemned already... so may the dogs feast on themselves... as all goes to the dogs... doggedly refusing to consider the doggone Dog-star dualists that they are... fallen stars locked in habitual, repetitive, binary positions like Ixion, Tantalos and Sisyphus... dualities driven by the devil to self-destruct... understood by wisdom, non-duality, non-involvement as the harvest feast at the end of the world... and so we take it all DOWN... GULP (no SIPPS here please)... the whole ocean of existence drunk to the last dregs! For no"thing" existed in the beginning, and no"thing" exists in the end... while in between, yet awhile, a strong delusion that "things" do exist holds many in its sway... side to side... back and forth... like Jews at the Wailing Wall murmuring over the Temple's destruction... AND THEIR OWN SELF-ANNIHILATION in snaking, dualistic sine-waves of self-consciousness they cannot straighten out and bring to peace and rest themselves... So there's no way through the unwavering straight gate into the Temple where who is not a doctor who needs no time travel through cosmic dimensions because they are all mental projections of divided mirror-minds mirroring and hollow-graving each other in relativities, dualities, devilish delusions and internet illusions... ever learning, but never coming to the knowledge of Truth.
Police violence begets social violence begets increased state control begets deeper unrest...
Meanwhile, DEAF-IS-IT? Heads confabulate on how to buy Greek, Italian, Spanish debt with a lot more money they don't have, but plan to pick from taxpayers pockets one way or another... Looting at high levels begets looting on the streets... The spiral is downwards, just like cyclonic whirlpools eddying down storm-drains... Those with property and capital have increased need for security, as social, economic and political foundations give way... sinking feelings all around... in markets, streets, minds and hearts... portending desperate, even absurd, measures... Police are not known for their intelligence... police dogs seem to have more... but this means we can expect dog-eat-dog at best... as state police-dogs fiercely guard vested the private interests of the TerrorTories... dogs' dinners ConDemned already... so may the dogs feast on themselves... as all goes to the dogs... doggedly refusing to consider the doggone Dog-star dualists that they are... fallen stars locked in habitual, repetitive, binary positions like Ixion, Tantalos and Sisyphus... dualities driven by the devil to self-destruct... understood by wisdom, non-duality, non-involvement as the harvest feast at the end of the world... and so we take it all DOWN... GULP (no SIPPS here please)... the whole ocean of existence drunk to the last dregs! For no"thing" existed in the beginning, and no"thing" exists in the end... while in between, yet awhile, a strong delusion that "things" do exist holds many in its sway... side to side... back and forth... like Jews at the Wailing Wall murmuring over the Temple's destruction... AND THEIR OWN SELF-ANNIHILATION in snaking, dualistic sine-waves of self-consciousness they cannot straighten out and bring to peace and rest themselves... So there's no way through the unwavering straight gate into the Temple where who is not a doctor who needs no time travel through cosmic dimensions because they are all mental projections of divided mirror-minds mirroring and hollow-graving each other in relativities, dualities, devilish delusions and internet illusions... ever learning, but never coming to the knowledge of Truth.
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