Sunday, 19 August 2012

Assange - Ecuador Embassy Speech

Battle Line

Julian Assange's speech today made clear the battle line between free people of the world, free expression, and those in corporate, government and private offices who, if they had their way, would stamp out free expression with totalitarian rule. We can bow down under the yoke of oppression imposed by others or we can stand for individual freedom of expression. The free have no such choice to struggle with, rather the wars are imposed by private interests in corporations and governments who are concerned for the security of their own interests.

I salute the people of Latin America and their government officials, especially of Ecuador, who have made their positions in this battle clear. They have bravely come forward to stand for freedom and face down the oppressors. Swedish and British officials are exposed as lackeys of a global elite, mainly centered in the U.S.A., who seem bent on bringing about continual wars to oppress the people of the world and bring them under their neofeudal rule.

The court case that Julian Assange is ready to face in Sweden, if there are guarantees of not being extradited to the U.S.A. for charges concerning Wikileaks, exemplifies the subversive means the powers-that-be use to silence their critics and those who expose them. The government, justice and corporate systems of the world are largely subverted to the will of a global elite who use their money and power to protect their own interests. The nexus of this worldly power is centered in the military-corporate-government establishment in the U.S.A.

The entity known as the U.S.A., together with their lackeys in the U.K. and around the world, does not stand for freedom. The sooner the world's population realize this the better. U.S. propaganda about individual freedom, human rights, transparency, free and open markets is clearly shown to be GROSS HYPOCRISY in light of attempts to stamp out Wikileaks revelations, Guantanamo Bay detentions, "renditions", and the privately closed nature of global corporate takeovers including the privatization of public services.

Internet services provided by such U.S.-based entities as Google, Apple, Facebook and Microsoft are all vulnerable to influence from the nexus of private interests whose tentacles are penetrating the fabric of the world and all that goes on in it. Any failure by the people of the world to understand this will render them slaves to the powers-that-be. Freedom does not come from the barrel of any gun or military adventure, but from ever-vigilant awareness. Lack of awareness of what is going on in this world of ours results in a fall into another dark age of imposition, inquisition, and the totalitarian rule of oppressors. So, wake up!

Wars, and rumors of wars, are instigated by a nexus of elite private interests who influence, and attempt to control, the public through their governments. It is now obvious that entities such as the U.S.A. and the E.U. are top-down control mechanisms, which use sham forms of democracy to deceive many. Transparency, freedom of expression, open and free markets, and individual rights and freedom are seriously threatened by private, closed interests which feed and grow on people's lack of awareness and ignorance as to what is going on. Private elite interests are driving wars to expand their control of global resources and populations. This is heading towards global totalitarian rule and slavery, or lack of freedom.

The Assange case clarifies the battle line for the world's population. Do we stand for freedom of expression, openness and transparency? Or are we slaves, chain-connected and enclosed within the confines of a global totalitarian subversion driven by a control-freak, wealthy elite? Our behavior and actions will betray us! Just as the behavior and actions of those working for, within and behind, the entity known as the U.S.A. betray themselves as hypocrites!

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