Monday, 20 August 2012

Neo-Imperialism Reaches Out For You

BBC Covers Outer Space

"How big is space?" The tiny, confined, package-driven, driveling minds of BBC staff prefer to think they are liberal and free in their coverage of world events and trends. Their cage is rattled and riddled with expansive, imperialistic dreams of Britannia ruling the waves!

Meanwhile, their petty nonsense keeps chiral minds colonized with their stilted entertainment. Entertainment - TV, movies, games, sport, war, sex, rock, roll, religion and science - ends up as the most important conditioning tool to keep minds off balance, unbalanced and divided so as to be conquered and captured in a state of CAPTIVITY, CAPTIVATION! BBC, of course, are only one in a million of such mass-mind-massage businesses. But they have a long history of proffering packaged productions to keep their masses content that what is going on in the world is being COVERED!

However, there's now a proliferation of alternative coverings, uncoverings and entertainments, especially on internet and the world wide web. So the BBC are struggling hard to pull their bed-sheet over the world by offering expansive, exciting entertainment to otherwise exiting audiences. So, "How big is space?", they ask, hoping to capture some escapees! Big Beeb Britannia is reaching out across the universal waves! Dreams of expansionist imperialism linger on, although they appear to be petering out into the blue! Blue Peter, the name given to a blue flag with a white square in the center and flown to signal that a ship is ready to sail, was taken as the name of a BBC children's program.

If one looks at scales, fractals, imaginary dimensions, multiverses, whether matter is another kind of space or negative space or something else, then the question is rather what space is, and not about measurements of "How big is space?" Which is all about relative scale!

Perhaps idiocy is a departure out to sea with ideas, dreams and entertainment, while attempting to measure them, objectively? Oh, just a minute, i'll grab a ruler... Looks to me like Mars is approximately 0.5 mm in diameter... let's not argue about the distance between eye and ruler, or more complicated measurements like that. So Curiosity, on an apparent planet named Mars, must have shrunk on its trip quite a bit, i.e. it didn't travel anywhere. It just moved down scale quite a lot! Perhaps it's sitting on a kind of electron, scratching the surface of some byte of matter, which like fractal patterns goes on repeating up- and down-scale ad infinitum... like the turtles all-the-way-down theory.

So a qualitative question, and not a quantitative measurement question, would be better. But we can count on mainstream suckers like BBC staff to jerk off on the wrong side of things. The QUALIFICATION to ask QUALITATIVE questions has been utterly lost by mainstream panderers, as well as materialistic scientists who are lost in quantitative measurements of space and time, although they don't have a clue as to what space, time, matter or many other quantified entities actually are in qualified terms!

What use measuring QYX zits of space when one hasn't a clue, or qualification to ask, as to what quality space has/is in REALITY? So BBC writers and artists cover space! While not really knowing what they're actually talking about, they merely consider measurement scales and what lumps of matter are found in unqualified space! Their bed-sheet coverage of a space, which they don't understand qualitatively or what is actually going on in it, is like providing bed-sheet measurements to make space, whatever it may be, look so BIG that their audience under the influence of their expansive coverage just gag in amazement at the wonder of it all, thinking that size is everything! However, what about all those material things floating around in unknown space, and what about the fundamental qualitative difference between space and matter, not to mention the time it may take to investigate such things? No, the BBC is unqualified to ask such questions. Its staff have no quality answers! They want you to melt away at their presentation of the size of space! They want to shaft you! And there are a lot of suckers around!

Hey dude, i got ziqgup mogdlks of U4EA that will totally blow the minds of everyone on this planet. There's just a tiny problem about marketing it, concerning its quality. But immeasurable quantities of it can be produced. Lots of entertainment value in jiggling it all around in BIG juggling presentations. People buy it because it costs no mind at all. It's utterly mindless. Sends them to sleep watching the Beeb on the boob tube. Blue Peter and all the rest.

People's minds are so CAPTIVATED by self-similar fractal patterns that they do all they can not to change their chiral minds, let alone straighten them out! Although their material world keeps interrupting their fractal dream patterned minds, causing violent swings between delight and depression ad nauseum!

So what QUALIFIES one to say any"thing" at all about any"thing" at all? That is the question! Of course, it only arises if ONE IS... which is a kind of paradox... expressed so succinctly by a native who liked to shake a speare at it.

It's interesting that fractals - pure mental-pattern continuums - are self-similarities, or self-reflections, repeated on mental scales ad infinitum. People think they exist in such mental states of recurring patterned worlds which are repeatedly, and sometimes rudely, interrupted by material worldly things that don't seem to exactly fit their mental patterned self-similarity worlds! Adjustments are made. But some things keep RE-MINDING a poor public that all is not as it would seem! Such RE-MINDERS are poorly interpreted as "things just happen", "we'll just have to put up with the world" cos' "that's the way things are", "the world's not perfect, but eh, who am i to put things right?" THEN THEY ESCAPE INTO ENTERTAINMENT CAPTIVITY! If that's not a paradox, then i'm the reflection in the mirror, and not the one looking!

Not only the public, not only BBC staff, but materialistic scientists too are lost in space! Like turds floating down a river, how much space junk and material do they intend to keep on throwing out there? Some are measuring the space junk! But like the mythological hare chasing after the tortoise, the measurement of it will ALWAYS be in catch-up mode! Paradoxes abound when people ESCAPE under bed-sheet coverage as provided by the BBC, world wide web, and any other such providers of entertainment CAPTIVITY. The inhabitants of Troy were taken in by the measurement and size of the horse, while lacking any qualification to ask what may lie within!

How can one straighten things out to escape captivity, rather than escape into captivity?

Entertainmant, including BBC buffoonery, materialistic science, ritualistic religion, and all kinds of world-wide-webbed varieties, is a fallout from REALITY into chiral, divided, split mind worlds with resulting dual separation from REALITY in ignorance of what happened in the falling apart into the Devil's world of duality!

How put Humpty back together again? Scientists dream up grand unification theories, theories of everything, big bang beginning singularities, but the theories all fall apart into tiny, invisible strings and imaginary multiverse worlds in strange spaces and dark matters about which they have even less understanding than the spaces and matters they themselves think they exist in! What the Hell is going on here?

Off-the-wall Dumpty is dumped, broken, fallen apart so badly there's NO HOPE IN HELL of putting it all back together again! Idiocy is the repetition of religious rituals, blanket entertainments, scientific experiments, mass communications so as to build up a communal IDOL OF GLOBAL SOLIDARITY. Will such a human blanket- ritual experiment, perhaps global participation in an intentional morphic-resonance projection, raise Humpty Dumpty back up together again and on the wall?

What does the wall represent? And what the Hell was Humpty Dumpty doing sitting on it in the first place, before the Big Bang? BEFORE THE BIG BANG? What kind of time was that? Is one even qualified to think about it? Was Descartes right when he said, "I think, therefore, I am."? I think not! For thought itself is the problem. And this has been thought about, until clarification arose. Only clarification has no entertainment value at all!

So the world approacheth its apocalypse in darkness, under the veiled bed-sheet coverage of the BBC, world wide web, and other such sleep-inducing entertainments. False lights bounce around in cosmic-mirror space, in holographic kaleidoscopic colors, keeping dreamers entertained in make-believe worlds of their own or others' making. Is any one at home who knows what's going on here? Some claim to know, but they seem to disagree with each other in their presentations of what's going on!

So let's just say the world LIES IN CONFUSION and LOST IN ENTERTAINMENT!

Let's just leave it at that?

And the BBC? What's the Beep to one who needs no such imperialistic, bed-sheet coverage of the world? Let's just call it Big Bang Cover-age which has had its day as Revelation approaches!

And the world wide web? Such a shiny, silky bed-sheet spun out of high-technology, silicon-valley, dream-on USA fabrication? Such delights for men and women to entertain their minds with soft silky threads, hard bedposts, boob tubes, tweets and twitters. Such outrageous times, voluminous spaces, informative matters so busily spun and woven into a sheer, delicate, fine fabric to cover a veiled world in darkness and ignorance.

Let the world lie beneath and behind its covers, dreaming, oversleeping, unaware, unreal. An intruder enters to take away everything - house, contents, bed and covers. All lying in the temporal world buried in time will be woken, a rude awakening! Time and tide wait for no man. But one can bend one's ear to the ground and be prepared.

This story is underlined with understanding that many will be caught like fish out of water and flies in a web, in google circles, BBC waters and the world wide web, not to mention dreamed-up alphabet entities like the USA, EU, UK, UN,...

The ground foundations are already quaking... bent ears are already burning... while there's no way to say what's all ready and on its way... good tidings... and fare ye well...

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