Wednesday, 29 August 2012

US$16,000,000,000,000 And Counting

US Debt Loads One-Armed-Bandit Machine

US debt is just now going over US$16 trillion... with no end in sight!

It's looking more like Romney and his money machine men will pull their one-armed bandit and win the jackpot in the US "democracy" casino in November! Blame Obama for feeding all that lolly into the machine without any payback in terms of much-promised "hope" or even any small "change"!

Can you spare a dime? A nickel will do. Obama's "change" seems backwards to 1930s!

So how will Romney's one-armed-bandit machine hit jackpot, rather than get sucked deeper down the debt drain?

Romney's money machine men have ensured they don't pay much taxes to feed the machine. They know better than to expose themselves any more than needed to US government debt liabilities. The machine is fed and loaded by Joe Soap who is about to be taken to the cleaners! Romney's capitalist running dogs will have a field day when the US government and its increasingly squeezed citizens go broke to leave the nation's and citizens' assets at knock-down, giveaway prices for the already rich money machine men to snap up. Wuf, wuf, woof.. and may the Devil take the hindmost!

Obama was a throwaway puppet used by the one-armed-bandit masters of corporate USA to load the money machine up with an "invisible hand of the market" while proffering "hope" for a rapidly dwindling, small "change" with his visible hand.

Ripe time is approaching to pull the lever and deliver the jackpot assets of USA into the hands of Romney's money machine men. Joe Soap will be left squeaky clean with US$ notes to use as toilet paper, but his ass will be owned by the one-armed-bandit capitalist running dogs.

The American Dream of Romney's money machine has a flipside similar to Adam Smith's market theory's invisible hand, but it certainly isn't the much-hyped "win-win" situation! The flip will produce a flop, the dream will turn to nightmare, the capitalist lever on the US elections will drain the pot of public debt and break the US government to leave an unruly BEAST - Capitalism Without Government!

Sovereign Man newsletter
August 29, 2012

If you haven't heard yet, the United States of America just hit $16 trillion in debt yesterday. On a gross, nominal basis, this makes the US, by far, the greatest debtor in the history of the world.

It took the United States government over 200 years to accumulate its first trillion dollars of debt. It took only 286 days to accumulate the most recent trillion dollars of debt. 200 years vs. 286 days. This portends two key points:

1. Anyone who thinks that inflation doesn't exist is a complete idiot;
2. To say that the trend is unsustainable is a massive understatement. 

At an average interest rate of 2.130%, Uncle Sam will shuffle $340 billion out the door just in interest payments this year... and it's a number that's only going up. To put it in context, China owns so much US debt that the INTEREST INCOME they receive from the Treasury Department is nearly enough to fund their entire military budget.

It's rather disgusting when you think about it.

Yet when you look at the raw numbers, there is no sign of improvement anywhere on the horizon. Last year, the Treasury Department brought in about $2.3 trillion in tax revenue. They spent $2.9 trillion JUST on -mandatory- programs like Social Security and Medicare, plus the very sacrosanct defense budget.

In other words, the US government was $600 billion dollars in the hole before paying a dime of interest on the debt, or paying the light bill at the White House. In fact the government's own numbers reflect a budget deficit through the end of the decade, i.e. the debt level is only going to get higher. These are their own figures.

In the 19th century, the Ottoman Empire was facing a similar debt crisis. In just 11-years, the Ottoman central government went from spending 17% of its tax revenue on interest payments, to spending over 52% of its tax revenue on interest payments. Then came default. Eleven years. The US is at 15% right now. How long will it take for the interest burden to become unbearable?

History is full of examples of superpowers bucking under the weight of their debt. This is not the first time that it's happened, and it won't be the last.

Sovereign debt is a giant confidence game. Investors buy bonds on the belief that governments can (and will) pay. When that confidence is chipped away, the cost of capital becomes debilitating. And people tend to notice a $16 trillion debt burden.

This is banana republic stuff, plain and simple... and smart, thinking people ought to be planning on capital controls, wage and price controls, pension confiscation, and selective default. Because the next trillion will be here before you know it.

Simon Black
Senior Editor

Wrong-Footed Western Medicine

Superbug-Antibiotic Battle

Western Medicine is in an ongoing battle with a very clever enemy, nature, which produces new forms of bacteria and viruses, sometimes called superbugs, that our immune system is unprepared to deal with. The development and usage of antibiotic medicines over the past 100 years seems now to be in an accelerating battle with a parallel development of antigens resistant to antiobiotics, thus rendering them useless and driving medical researchers to develop even cleverer antibiotics to deal with the new invaders. 

The human immune system is an extremely complex defense mechanism which defends our bodies against foreign invaders. Neutophils are white blood cells in the first line of defense which can eat and destroy harmful bacteria, viruses and other antigens. Western research is now indicating that vitamin B3 can boost neutrophils immune cell response to the deadly Staphylococcus aureus bacteria superbug.

It is interesting that the company Livestrong lists nicotinamide which is used in cancer treatment. Livestrong was started by US cyclist Lance Armstrong who survived cancer to go on and win cycling events. Last week Armstrong had his medals taken from him after he ceased fighting a legal battle against doping allegations!

B3, or nicotinamide, is found in many kinds of food - grains, nuts, yogurt, fish and chicken. A natural balanced diet has all we need, after all, humans find themselves in a natural environment on earth that is suited for them over millions of years and much longer if we see ourselves as related to ALL LIFE. Of course, man-made artificial environments in which many exist in the modern world are now not natural at all, are unbalanced, polluted, psychologically stressed, while people eat unbalanced processed foods.

The western medical mindset tries to deal with the results of living in an artificial man-made environment by using man-made antibiotics and dietary supplements to treat dis-ease. However, the balance and ease of living in harmony with nature has been lost due to a departure into an artificial, man-made, modern world of scientific and technological development which is utterly out of balance with nature. Medical researchers then try to remedy the gross imbalance with pure chemical drugs, drastic interventions and treatments. New superbugs then crop up apparently out of nowhere to attack humans in the very hospitals which are supposed to be healing them, while human immune systems seem to be going haywire causing increased allergies.

Western medicine is not on track to attain any ease or balance whatsoever with nature! Rather the paradigm mindset it's framed within is driving more dis-ease and more imbalance! At a more philosophical level man is seen to be utterly wrong in his thinking that he can control and be master of nature as the western scientific mindset has increasingly imagined in recent times. Man is actually damaging his natural environment and the lifeforms that depend on it, and destroying his own health in the process. Western scientists remain utterly arrogant in their belief that they will be able to understand and control nature using their chronically dis-eased mindsets and wrong, narrow, boxed-in, materialistic paradigm!

The way forward is to live in balance and harmony with nature, listening to what nature teaches us, rather than following the narrow-minded, controlled-experiment methods of materialistic scientists which obviously produce very limited results. Drugs, agro-chemicals and supplements developed by western science, not to mention DNA manipulation, are often later found to be very harmful, despite regulatory bureau-rat efforts! Such developments are obviously increasingly out of balance with nature. Man is arrogantly interfering in the natural environment and lifeforms on earth with a seriously wrong paradigm, or mindset.

Rather than only following the very narrow and increasingly specialized approach of western science, such as the effects of nicotinamide on neutrophils and the immune system, it is necessary to look at the whole human organism together with the environment it lives in so as to understand where the imbalances arise that cause dis-ease. Dis-ease is the result and indication of imbalance with nature. The immune system does not work separately from the whole organism, and neither does anything else work separately or in isolation from anything else. The controlled, "clean", scientific environments in which experiments are carried out are unnatural, narrow-minded, and a symptom of the serious aberration of the western scientific mindset! SUCH A MINDSET WILL LEAD TO MORE HORRENDOUS CALAMITIES DOWN THE ROAD!

Nature has sustained lifeforms on this planet for a billion years or more (time is relative, of course). Modern man in a few hundred years now thinks he knows better, with his split-conscious mind terrorizing and decimating lifeforms on this planet. Arrogant materialistic scientists have got something coming to them! And it will be more than a slap in the face! No apologies for the hard words, because hardened materialistic mindsets are asking for a rude awakening! A change of paradigm is already underway which will make the present lot of western medical practitioners look like voodoo witch doctors or worse! However, there may be disasters to go through before the old, boxed-in thinking is changed and a new paradigm, new mind, awakens. Those working in the medical field are advised to open their minds to the change of paradigm already underway.

Comments on the above piece by a researcher in this field:
Neutrophils are the first line of defence in innate immunity and the effector cell in the acquired immune response. I also work on Staphylococcus, particularly S. aureus and so it's very relevant.

It's also very applicable regarding the use of dietary supplements, and the department has published data on this i.e. tablets of whole fruit and vegetable extracts promote the clinical benefits achieved by periodontal therapy. However, as you say, it would be better if the patients were to have a healthy balanced diet in the first place (and healthy lifestyles such as exercise, no smoking etc), although the results published are hugely significant as it highlights the importance of a balanced healthy lifestyle on both dental and medical health.

I wholeheartedly agree with the need for balance in life. I also agree in that you need to keep an open mind when conducting research. As you say when you research, say, neutrophils and Staphylocccus, it is very important to remember that this is only one small piece of the puzzle, and that in life there are lots of other "corresponding" things happening to neighbouring cells that could influence the "results" in-vivo.

Sheldrake's book, The Science Delusion, covers this approach very well, and it makes a lot of sense.

Saturday, 25 August 2012

Debt Mountains and Humpty Dumpty

All Fall Down

The absurd U.S. debt mountain is not going away. The wall of money the U.S. government does not have to pay off its public debts is growing by the day. The only surprise is how long the wall of debt has stayed up while it has grown ever bigger and higher.

Murmurs are heard from the Romney morons (sorry, did i mean Mormons?) about putting the US$ back on a gold standard! But if one measure of money is used (M2) this would mean that ALL THE GOLD EVER MINED ON EARTH would be needed to back the US$!

Then there is massive Japanese debt, and growing EU debt too, with Greece leading the way. NO CHANCE IN HELL OF GOVERNMENTS RAISING MONEY TO PAY OFF THESE DEBTS WITHOUT DEVALUING THE MONEY THEY'RE PAID IN!

For example, if i borrowed a million Zimbabwe$ back in 1980 i could have exchanged it immediately for very roughly 10,000 oz. gold. At 10% interest per year i'd maybe have a debt of 20 million Z$ now. But the currency became worthless - 20 million Z$ became worth less than 1US$! So i sell a speck of gold dust to buy back 20 million Z$ to settle my debt. The 10,000 oz gold, minus a speck, which remains mine for all my efforts is now worth about 16 million US$!


It seems obvious, when one applies one's mind to it, but most people seem to be moronically ignorant these days. They are kept that way by those who do know what's going on and are profiting on the other side of those DEBT MOUNTAINS!

Joe Public is stuck with paying back impossible government debt through increased taxes, selling off of public assets to private investors, failure of pension funds and medical services he's contributed to, and the lower value of money in his pocket! Some may be screaming blue murder, but few see what their own elected leaders have done to them!

Over the impossible DEBT MOUNTAINS - which Joe Public cannot see beyond or get his head around - there are those PRIVATE INTERESTS, the global transnational corporations, the wealthy elite few, living in the lap of luxury with more paper or digital money than they can sensibly use.

Capitalist-bought-out government officials - the Bushes, Clintons, Obamas, Blairs, Browns, Camerons, and all the other clowns like them - have been involved in the largest transfer of wealth the world has ever seen, whether they understand what they did and are doing or not! And methinks for the large part they do not understand, but were swept along by global currents they had no moral strength to withstand.

The end result of capitalist-bought-out game plans is a very few absurdly wealthy people who appear on paper to own much of the world's resources, manufacturing production, service industry and finances. Meanwhile, Joe Soap is taken to the cleaners looking for a job to pay him devalued money to stay afloat in the bath with inflated prices for goods and services!

Joe Soap ends up being little more than a serf, slave, or outcast scum of the capitalist-bought-out system. A pool of cheap labor like those poor Africans who were forced to pick cotton on plantations. Joe Soap these days may have no physical chains on him, is not forcefully transported to foreign shores, and actually wants to find work or a job. However, Joe Soap's slavery is worse than having physical chains on his body. His slavery is mental and insidious, because he has no idea how this situation came upon him. And he has no idea what those insurmountable, absurd, DEBT MOUNTAINS looming over his world mean! No, he has no idea! So he's led by the nose!

Beyond the debt mountains, on the other side of their utter absurdity, all is not well either! The Bill Gateses, Carlos Slims and George Soroses have more money in paper or digital form than any human can make much sense of in ordinary terms. Their casino-like capitalist game-plan is to play with the world's resources, betting on the next place to make profits, although they already have enough money to live in stupendous luxury for countless lifetimes.

A nod or shake of a capitalist casino player's head may mean companies go bankrupt with thousands of Joe Soaps out of work. As pure capitalists they see numbers as more important than people - people as mere numbers! They themselves are numb, less than human! They may try to assuage what remains of their burnt-out consciences with humanitarian projects, as failed capitalist-bought-out governments leave large populations in derelict conditions. However, their projects also end up treating humans like guinea pigs, social-engineering material, and don't really solve the problems which their capitalist-game-plan system has brought about in the first place!

The human condition is akin to staring at an impossible wall, currently a global debt mountain, from its two separate sides. There's the side of the poor masses, Joe Public, burdened with massive public debt and taxation to pay it off. Then on the other side of the impossible dividing wall there are a few wealthy elite playing capitalist casino games. No answers are forthcoming from either side! NONE! One side accumulates wealth and perhaps throws away or trickles down some to assuage the pain on the other side where masses of people are bought-out, sold, trafficked, divested and stripped bare like slaves were in the old days. Joe Public is not so much an owner of anything, as owned, bought and sold! He sold his birthright, and thus he's no longer his own master but ruled by others whose rules he does not understand or have any say in making.

The rich elite, play their capitalist casino games with world resources and people as chips. They tend to see the world's problems as not of their making, but rather made by people themselves! However, they are really slaves of the enslaved public because the whole capitalist board they play on is based on the world's population and resources - take these away and the elite masters are exposed as nothing but worldly tricksters and high-stakes gamblers lacking ethical vision while they sit at their board games fingering their chips.

The wall dividing the world, dividing wealth, causing revolutions and wars, is the duality of the human mind. Humpty Dumpty falls on one side or the other. All the king's horses and all the king's men cannot put Humpty Dumpty back together again! So what is to be done about it?

Thursday, 23 August 2012

Life Gives Rise to Universe

Unshackling the Back-to-Front Western Scientific Mindset

Western materialistic science has undoubtedly enabled remarkable developments in technology that have transformed human societies and worldviews over the past few hundred years. However, attempts within the framework of science as we know it to find a unified field, or a complete theory of everything, have so far failed. Meanwhile, quantum theory points towards an enormous omission, false foundations and wrong thinking in the mindset of mainstream materialistic scientists.

The omission is the observer, or rather the life which allows consciousness to arise in the first place so as to subsequently make observations possible. Quantum theory and experiment point out that the observer is intricately entangled in what is observed. It also indicates that time and space are false suppositions, or false foundations. A mindset stuck within the falsely founded paradigm of mainstream materialistic science is inevitably led along false side-tracks on an express train of thought eventually leading to dead-ends, false conclusions or a proliferation of bizarre theories.

Materialistic scientists assume there's a real world of material objects out there in space and time. They set up physical experiments, observe results, theorize about material objects and their interactions. They then construct theories as to how lifeforms arose from material objects, how lifeforms evolved to become more complex and diverse, and how consciousness arose particularly in humans. Theories abound within their paradigm cage as to how the phenomenon of increased complexity of lifeforms comes about, and how consciousness arises from brain activity. However, they're nowhere near understanding how all this really comes about, while evidence strongly suggests their paradigm is seriously wrong! But it's hard to teach old dogs a new trick!

Increasing numbers of scientists, generally scoffed at by Western mainstream materialists, see the need for a radically different paradigm and worldview not based on the false foundations of matter, space or time, which materialistic scientists only assume, without understanding. A paradigm shift in outlook is opening the way to see life giving rise to consciousness, thus bringing about changing forms in apparent time and space. This shift in vision completely changes the worldview of materialistic science, the kind of experiments it carries out and the theories it develops. This change is greater than that brought about by materialistic science and the industrial and technological revolutions IT brought about in recent centuries.

Among a growing number of scientists who are helping to open the caged minds of mainstream materialistic scientists are Rupert Sheldrake. His recent book is entitled "The Science Delusion: Freeing the Spirit of Enquiry".

Robert Lanza is another trail-blazer opening up a new worldview with life at the heart of it, not relegated to a peripheral epiphenomenon of dead matter as materialistic scientists would have it. Co-authored with astronomer Bob Berman, their book is entitled "Biocentrism: How Life and Consciousness are the Keys to Understanding the True Nature of the Universe". 

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

The Problem With Capitalism

Why Wealth Is Not So Common

Capitalism is a system based on the private ownership of property and using it to produce a profit. However, just as a casino ensures it has a profit margin overall, most players end up losing over the long term. The playing field is not flat and even to begin with, either between different players or between the players and the casino banker. It's wise to stay away from casinos unless one knows more than the banker does! But if card-counters are spotted by the banker they will either be thrown out or invited to negotiations.

The general outcome of playing the capitalist-system game is a few winners and many losers. Big winners can set up their own corporate-empire board games so as to make bigger profits, while penniless losers will be lucky to land a job in an increasingly rich-poor divided system. Capitalism itself has no answers for such an unequal outcome to its game, other than corporate takeover of everything on the planet. Winners often argue that it was skill, and not luck, that earned them their top-dog position. However, with capital chips and monopoly money stacked up on their side of the table they can use it in ways to ensure they continue to make even bigger profits.

Crises come when pure capitalists, financiers or bankers, lack any guiding purpose other than profits. However, when large numbers of people become utterly poor, without work and with little hope of getting anywhere in the capitalist-system game, then the failure and breakdown of the system becomes inevitable. Government is meant to correct such gross imbalances long before they arise. However, governments have been bought out by capitalists to become part of the unbalanced capitalist problem themselves, and bereft of any understanding as to what went wrong while they continue to profit from the unbalanced system! Their moral compass was lost somewhere along the pathologically winding way to power.

The Biblical Year of Jubilee was celebrated after every seven, seven-year cycles i.e. every fiftieth year, when all god-given land was to be returned to its original owner, all debts were to be forgiven and all slaves were to be liberated. Such debt forgiveness is urgently called for now in many countries around the world where the capitalist-system game has run its course to its own systemic breakdown. However, forgiveness of debt is a hard thing to do for hardened capitalists. They see it as a too-easy let-off for losers, who may then even appear to be winners. Although they should know that worldly riches will burn them in hell, while it's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven.

The problems and burdens of how to deal with absurd quantities of casino chips and monopoly money in this capitalist-system game lies with hardened capitalists, financiers and central bankers. Perhaps they prefer to play among themselves for idiotically high stakes so as to determine who will be the big winner-takes-all Antichrist? Meanwhile, growing numbers of disinherited and unemployed people are not enjoying this high-stakes, capitalist-system game played by a few elite high-rollers much any longer.

David Harvey explains in more detail, and quite superbly, how capitalism causes crises -

Cataclysmic Capitalism

Profiting From Weather Manipulation

A very important new documentary film has just been released concerning large-scale programs to manipulate the world's weather and climate. It presents the issues at stake clearly for all people living on earth. "Why in the World are They Spraying" by Michael J. Murphy can be found online at

As a trained meteorologist, with work experience at the Edgbaston weather station ran by the University of Birmingham until the late 1970s, I can wholeheartedly endorse all that is presented in this must-see documentary film.

The corporate-military nexus of power based in the U.S.A. has long been interested in weather and climate manipulation for use in warfare and making profits. Monsanto again raises its big ugly head into the picture. This growing season there are drought conditions in the U.S. Midwest seriously affecting the corn crop, with market prices for corn already shooting up. This will affect global market prices not only for corn, but for other crops and products. Corporations that know what's going on, and that may be involved in weather manipulation themselves, are able to make huge profits at the expense of ordinary people worldwide.

Although the U.S. military and corporate nexus has taken a leading role in weather and climate manipulation since the 1950s, other states have also started their own programs including Russia and China. The ongoing disruption of global weather and climate as a result of experiments using metal compounds sprayed from planes and the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) may be even more damaging to our environment than the emissions of polluting gases and particulates from all other human activity.

The chemicals used to seed water droplets and cause cloud formation eventually fall to earth where evidence suggests they have substantial effects including changes in soil acidity, fungal growths on vegetation and trees, loss of crops and asthma. Weather modification programs may also be affecting higher levels of the atmosphere where an ozone hole has appeared over the northern hemisphere. Depletion of ozone in the upper atmosphere allows ultraviolet light from the Sun to penetrate to lower levels and cause harm to life on earth.

There's a lot of information on internet concerning the issue of chemtrails and the use of HAARP technology.

The military and corporate interests involved in weather-modification programs will push ahead with them in their insatiable pursuit of power and profits. The only way they will stop destroying the earth's environment is if sufficient people in the world become aware of what's going on and remove any support state, military and corporate interests have to continue down their pathological road towards cataclysm.

Monday, 20 August 2012

Neo-Imperialism Reaches Out For You

BBC Covers Outer Space

"How big is space?" The tiny, confined, package-driven, driveling minds of BBC staff prefer to think they are liberal and free in their coverage of world events and trends. Their cage is rattled and riddled with expansive, imperialistic dreams of Britannia ruling the waves!

Meanwhile, their petty nonsense keeps chiral minds colonized with their stilted entertainment. Entertainment - TV, movies, games, sport, war, sex, rock, roll, religion and science - ends up as the most important conditioning tool to keep minds off balance, unbalanced and divided so as to be conquered and captured in a state of CAPTIVITY, CAPTIVATION! BBC, of course, are only one in a million of such mass-mind-massage businesses. But they have a long history of proffering packaged productions to keep their masses content that what is going on in the world is being COVERED!

However, there's now a proliferation of alternative coverings, uncoverings and entertainments, especially on internet and the world wide web. So the BBC are struggling hard to pull their bed-sheet over the world by offering expansive, exciting entertainment to otherwise exiting audiences. So, "How big is space?", they ask, hoping to capture some escapees! Big Beeb Britannia is reaching out across the universal waves! Dreams of expansionist imperialism linger on, although they appear to be petering out into the blue! Blue Peter, the name given to a blue flag with a white square in the center and flown to signal that a ship is ready to sail, was taken as the name of a BBC children's program.

If one looks at scales, fractals, imaginary dimensions, multiverses, whether matter is another kind of space or negative space or something else, then the question is rather what space is, and not about measurements of "How big is space?" Which is all about relative scale!

Perhaps idiocy is a departure out to sea with ideas, dreams and entertainment, while attempting to measure them, objectively? Oh, just a minute, i'll grab a ruler... Looks to me like Mars is approximately 0.5 mm in diameter... let's not argue about the distance between eye and ruler, or more complicated measurements like that. So Curiosity, on an apparent planet named Mars, must have shrunk on its trip quite a bit, i.e. it didn't travel anywhere. It just moved down scale quite a lot! Perhaps it's sitting on a kind of electron, scratching the surface of some byte of matter, which like fractal patterns goes on repeating up- and down-scale ad infinitum... like the turtles all-the-way-down theory.

So a qualitative question, and not a quantitative measurement question, would be better. But we can count on mainstream suckers like BBC staff to jerk off on the wrong side of things. The QUALIFICATION to ask QUALITATIVE questions has been utterly lost by mainstream panderers, as well as materialistic scientists who are lost in quantitative measurements of space and time, although they don't have a clue as to what space, time, matter or many other quantified entities actually are in qualified terms!

What use measuring QYX zits of space when one hasn't a clue, or qualification to ask, as to what quality space has/is in REALITY? So BBC writers and artists cover space! While not really knowing what they're actually talking about, they merely consider measurement scales and what lumps of matter are found in unqualified space! Their bed-sheet coverage of a space, which they don't understand qualitatively or what is actually going on in it, is like providing bed-sheet measurements to make space, whatever it may be, look so BIG that their audience under the influence of their expansive coverage just gag in amazement at the wonder of it all, thinking that size is everything! However, what about all those material things floating around in unknown space, and what about the fundamental qualitative difference between space and matter, not to mention the time it may take to investigate such things? No, the BBC is unqualified to ask such questions. Its staff have no quality answers! They want you to melt away at their presentation of the size of space! They want to shaft you! And there are a lot of suckers around!

Hey dude, i got ziqgup mogdlks of U4EA that will totally blow the minds of everyone on this planet. There's just a tiny problem about marketing it, concerning its quality. But immeasurable quantities of it can be produced. Lots of entertainment value in jiggling it all around in BIG juggling presentations. People buy it because it costs no mind at all. It's utterly mindless. Sends them to sleep watching the Beeb on the boob tube. Blue Peter and all the rest.

People's minds are so CAPTIVATED by self-similar fractal patterns that they do all they can not to change their chiral minds, let alone straighten them out! Although their material world keeps interrupting their fractal dream patterned minds, causing violent swings between delight and depression ad nauseum!

So what QUALIFIES one to say any"thing" at all about any"thing" at all? That is the question! Of course, it only arises if ONE IS... which is a kind of paradox... expressed so succinctly by a native who liked to shake a speare at it.

It's interesting that fractals - pure mental-pattern continuums - are self-similarities, or self-reflections, repeated on mental scales ad infinitum. People think they exist in such mental states of recurring patterned worlds which are repeatedly, and sometimes rudely, interrupted by material worldly things that don't seem to exactly fit their mental patterned self-similarity worlds! Adjustments are made. But some things keep RE-MINDING a poor public that all is not as it would seem! Such RE-MINDERS are poorly interpreted as "things just happen", "we'll just have to put up with the world" cos' "that's the way things are", "the world's not perfect, but eh, who am i to put things right?" THEN THEY ESCAPE INTO ENTERTAINMENT CAPTIVITY! If that's not a paradox, then i'm the reflection in the mirror, and not the one looking!

Not only the public, not only BBC staff, but materialistic scientists too are lost in space! Like turds floating down a river, how much space junk and material do they intend to keep on throwing out there? Some are measuring the space junk! But like the mythological hare chasing after the tortoise, the measurement of it will ALWAYS be in catch-up mode! Paradoxes abound when people ESCAPE under bed-sheet coverage as provided by the BBC, world wide web, and any other such providers of entertainment CAPTIVITY. The inhabitants of Troy were taken in by the measurement and size of the horse, while lacking any qualification to ask what may lie within!

How can one straighten things out to escape captivity, rather than escape into captivity?

Entertainmant, including BBC buffoonery, materialistic science, ritualistic religion, and all kinds of world-wide-webbed varieties, is a fallout from REALITY into chiral, divided, split mind worlds with resulting dual separation from REALITY in ignorance of what happened in the falling apart into the Devil's world of duality!

How put Humpty back together again? Scientists dream up grand unification theories, theories of everything, big bang beginning singularities, but the theories all fall apart into tiny, invisible strings and imaginary multiverse worlds in strange spaces and dark matters about which they have even less understanding than the spaces and matters they themselves think they exist in! What the Hell is going on here?

Off-the-wall Dumpty is dumped, broken, fallen apart so badly there's NO HOPE IN HELL of putting it all back together again! Idiocy is the repetition of religious rituals, blanket entertainments, scientific experiments, mass communications so as to build up a communal IDOL OF GLOBAL SOLIDARITY. Will such a human blanket- ritual experiment, perhaps global participation in an intentional morphic-resonance projection, raise Humpty Dumpty back up together again and on the wall?

What does the wall represent? And what the Hell was Humpty Dumpty doing sitting on it in the first place, before the Big Bang? BEFORE THE BIG BANG? What kind of time was that? Is one even qualified to think about it? Was Descartes right when he said, "I think, therefore, I am."? I think not! For thought itself is the problem. And this has been thought about, until clarification arose. Only clarification has no entertainment value at all!

So the world approacheth its apocalypse in darkness, under the veiled bed-sheet coverage of the BBC, world wide web, and other such sleep-inducing entertainments. False lights bounce around in cosmic-mirror space, in holographic kaleidoscopic colors, keeping dreamers entertained in make-believe worlds of their own or others' making. Is any one at home who knows what's going on here? Some claim to know, but they seem to disagree with each other in their presentations of what's going on!

So let's just say the world LIES IN CONFUSION and LOST IN ENTERTAINMENT!

Let's just leave it at that?

And the BBC? What's the Beep to one who needs no such imperialistic, bed-sheet coverage of the world? Let's just call it Big Bang Cover-age which has had its day as Revelation approaches!

And the world wide web? Such a shiny, silky bed-sheet spun out of high-technology, silicon-valley, dream-on USA fabrication? Such delights for men and women to entertain their minds with soft silky threads, hard bedposts, boob tubes, tweets and twitters. Such outrageous times, voluminous spaces, informative matters so busily spun and woven into a sheer, delicate, fine fabric to cover a veiled world in darkness and ignorance.

Let the world lie beneath and behind its covers, dreaming, oversleeping, unaware, unreal. An intruder enters to take away everything - house, contents, bed and covers. All lying in the temporal world buried in time will be woken, a rude awakening! Time and tide wait for no man. But one can bend one's ear to the ground and be prepared.

This story is underlined with understanding that many will be caught like fish out of water and flies in a web, in google circles, BBC waters and the world wide web, not to mention dreamed-up alphabet entities like the USA, EU, UK, UN,...

The ground foundations are already quaking... bent ears are already burning... while there's no way to say what's all ready and on its way... good tidings... and fare ye well...

Sunday, 19 August 2012

Assange - Ecuador Embassy Speech

Battle Line

Julian Assange's speech today made clear the battle line between free people of the world, free expression, and those in corporate, government and private offices who, if they had their way, would stamp out free expression with totalitarian rule. We can bow down under the yoke of oppression imposed by others or we can stand for individual freedom of expression. The free have no such choice to struggle with, rather the wars are imposed by private interests in corporations and governments who are concerned for the security of their own interests.

I salute the people of Latin America and their government officials, especially of Ecuador, who have made their positions in this battle clear. They have bravely come forward to stand for freedom and face down the oppressors. Swedish and British officials are exposed as lackeys of a global elite, mainly centered in the U.S.A., who seem bent on bringing about continual wars to oppress the people of the world and bring them under their neofeudal rule.

The court case that Julian Assange is ready to face in Sweden, if there are guarantees of not being extradited to the U.S.A. for charges concerning Wikileaks, exemplifies the subversive means the powers-that-be use to silence their critics and those who expose them. The government, justice and corporate systems of the world are largely subverted to the will of a global elite who use their money and power to protect their own interests. The nexus of this worldly power is centered in the military-corporate-government establishment in the U.S.A.

The entity known as the U.S.A., together with their lackeys in the U.K. and around the world, does not stand for freedom. The sooner the world's population realize this the better. U.S. propaganda about individual freedom, human rights, transparency, free and open markets is clearly shown to be GROSS HYPOCRISY in light of attempts to stamp out Wikileaks revelations, Guantanamo Bay detentions, "renditions", and the privately closed nature of global corporate takeovers including the privatization of public services.

Internet services provided by such U.S.-based entities as Google, Apple, Facebook and Microsoft are all vulnerable to influence from the nexus of private interests whose tentacles are penetrating the fabric of the world and all that goes on in it. Any failure by the people of the world to understand this will render them slaves to the powers-that-be. Freedom does not come from the barrel of any gun or military adventure, but from ever-vigilant awareness. Lack of awareness of what is going on in this world of ours results in a fall into another dark age of imposition, inquisition, and the totalitarian rule of oppressors. So, wake up!

Wars, and rumors of wars, are instigated by a nexus of elite private interests who influence, and attempt to control, the public through their governments. It is now obvious that entities such as the U.S.A. and the E.U. are top-down control mechanisms, which use sham forms of democracy to deceive many. Transparency, freedom of expression, open and free markets, and individual rights and freedom are seriously threatened by private, closed interests which feed and grow on people's lack of awareness and ignorance as to what is going on. Private elite interests are driving wars to expand their control of global resources and populations. This is heading towards global totalitarian rule and slavery, or lack of freedom.

The Assange case clarifies the battle line for the world's population. Do we stand for freedom of expression, openness and transparency? Or are we slaves, chain-connected and enclosed within the confines of a global totalitarian subversion driven by a control-freak, wealthy elite? Our behavior and actions will betray us! Just as the behavior and actions of those working for, within and behind, the entity known as the U.S.A. betray themselves as hypocrites!

Monday, 13 August 2012

The Deathless State

Devil's Prison

A comment on Forbidden Fruit Incorporated
"With the success of current research into longevity carried out by the Harvard school of natural sciences at last the goal of possible eternal life is within the grasp of the moneyed elite. It involves unlocking the gene for longevity active naturally only in germ cells. Mice with five times the normal life span and greater vigor have been bred. Woe betide the majority of us with the eternal Kissinger or Rockerfeller."

Medical technology provides ever new ways to increase the longevity of our physical incarnations. However, it can give rise to difficult ethical issues, such as whether to withdraw artificial life-support from somebody in an otherwise comatose or vegetative state, or from somebody who no longer wants artificial life-support. The extension of physical life is an understandable desire for many people who fear death and want to live longer at all costs. And medical technology, within the prevailing materialistic culture, channels its efforts into the unbalanced support of the physical body, while largely ignoring what can be called spiritual concerns.

Questions about the use of tubes, devices, transplants, drugs and genetic engineering to extend physical incarnation involve our worldview, faith, and whether we consider the use of such technology to be healthy for our whole being, and not only the physical side of things.

Revelation chapter 9, verse 6, says
"And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them."

A movie made many years ago depicts a man who was granted his wish to live for ever. He later developed some incurable disease or injury and began to wish he could die. A gruesome scene showed his wife cutting his body into little pieces with every piece moving in agony as he was unable to die!

Life is another word for spirit. We are not meant to be prisoners in the same body, or form, forever. There is no new creation without the death of old forms. The death of a life's form is the casting off of what is no longer needed. Life is not the form, but rather formless and free. However, this is not understood within the prevailing materialistic culture with its dogged clinging to forms. Understanding destroys the form of things, including bodies, just as digestion destroys food to release energy. Life, or spirit, does not die as the body ceases to function, but rather there's an understanding, overcoming, and passing over.

As for the Kissingers, Rockefellers, or others with ample funds to try to materialize their dreams of living longer in their present bodies, perhaps wisdom would have them seeking understanding, peace and rest rather than more time in a world of turmoil and war which they have contributed towards. Time is a prison in which the Devil (duality personalized) chases its own tail and is not free but self-bound. Eternity is not measured in time, and like infinity is without form and free to create anew.

Goodbye Kissinger. Goodbye Rockefeller. Goodbye Ozymandias. A new day is dawning where your names are never heard.

Capital Crime of Finance Capitalism

Unkept Paper Promises

Money = Debt, or IOU Notes. The issuance of "I Owe yUo" notes by those who know they cannot honor them, or have no intention of paying them to the same value, is fraud.

Holders of Icelandic, Irish and Greek government and private debt in recent years have taken a haircut, been sheared like sheep. Holders of U.S., Japanese, U.K., Spanish, Italian, French IOU paper should be concerned.

Notes issued by the Bank of England denominated in pounds sterling carry the words “I promise to pay the bearer on demand the sum of …” However, if you go to the Bank of England and demand payment in pounds of sterling silver they will not give it to you. You will be stuck with the paper. And if the paper they issue becomes too large compared with the economy then inflation arises and the paper loses value vis-a-vis goods and services. However, the BoE is currently required to ensure that inflation in the U.K. stays around 2%, and if it doesn't the Governor has to explain to Parliament why not.  

Events in the economic world, especially since 2008, have seriously eroded any trust we may have had in the people who manage government and bank finances. An increasing number of people are now looking for alternate ways to manage their economic affairs. Governments, banks, and corporations are coming under closer scrutiny with more cases of financial jiggery-pokery being exposed almost on a daily basis.

We are now witnessing the demise of laissez-faire capitalism as Europe, U.S.A., Japan and other states attempt to stop the collapse by issuing bonds or through quantitative easing. But such attempts are bound to end in failure as the enormous debts run up by governments cannot be paid off without either exorbitant tax increases, phenomenal economic growth, or massive inflation. Raising government funds through privatization of public assets is essentially selling the population into the private hands of neofeudalism, as explained in my previous articles.  

Political leaders know this, or should do otherwise they are irresponsible. Financial criminals have been imprisoned in recent years. The debacles they have caused have become top political issues as politicians are intimately involved in the finance business and its regulation. However, politicians are, as ever, avoiding the radical changes necessary, while attempting to kick their very battered can of financial worms down the road a little further.

Their political can is full of holes, exposing financial worms grown very fat and ugly. And it looks like their performance is falling apart to the point of absurdity. But while this political laughing stock try to hold their financial can of worms together they are still not changing the underlying causes and thus the problems are growing bigger. Thus the collapse, when it comes, will be bigger than 2008, or 1929, in terms of its political, economic and social costs.

Revelation 8

10 And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters;
11 And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.

Saturday, 11 August 2012

Stranger in Even Stranger World

When one is lost and confused, one knows it, and one can re-orientate one's self!

On 11 August 2012 17:40, Sam Seaman wrote:
Stuff I keep to re-read. This is a few years old now, and it's off about 'dark matter'.
I'm not finding it easy to find info about the magnetic effects of nuclear reaction - all the papers are going the other way (viz: effects of magnetism on nuclear reaction).
Do you know anything?
I thought this might be interesting while you stay out of the rain - if not, I apologise - Sam




"Dark Matter"!

I can give you some general comments or views about "magnetic effects of nuclear reaction" vis-à-vis vice versa!

Old-hat materialistic science, a la Newton to Einstein, tends to give primary importance to matter i.e. particles and forms of energy rather than fields! It tends to see magnetism as arising from a material or form structure e.g. from aligned iron atoms causing a directional field, rather than a magnetic field giving rise to Fe atoms. Your question asks about magnetic field effects caused by nuclear particle reactions in this way. Such as a pebble splashing into water causing field effects in the water field which include energetic waves spreading outwards from the event on the surface.

"Magnetic effects" are field effects, which means magnetism is seen as a field rather than as particles or forms.

By "nuclear reaction" i presume you mean interactions between subatomic particles, including nuclear fission and nuclear fusion reactions in nuclear reactors? These are seen as particle interactions within a field, which may be a magnetic field, a Higgs or morphic field, a gravity or space-time field, a quantum field, etc....

Quantum theory turns things around, and although materialistic scientists don't understand it they are forced to accept what experiment proves to be so. Super-positional waves, or potential fields, collapse into particle events instantaneously when observed!

Nuclear and subatomic particle interactions in reactors are mainly concerned with transfers of energy between particles (neutrinos and photons have no mass!) or into free energy at different wavelengths used to produce heat to generate power. Fission reactions are explained as nuclear decay or disintegration with some mass converted into free energy. Magnetism is generally not seen as important in fission reactions.

Fusion reactions are explained as the binding, of for example two Deuterium nuclei, releasing some mass as free energy. Fusion reactions use extremely strong magnetic fields to contain the reacting plasma of subatomic particles. The energy released is not considered primarily magnetic, but rather a wave spectrum of energy. Anyway, as extremely strong magnetic fields are used in fusion reactors and particle accelerators to contain and focus plasmas, particle beams and subatomic particles, it would be EXTREMELY DIFFICULT to measure any magnetic effects coming out of fusion reactions.

So within "the mental frame of science as we know it" i don't think you'll find much of any "magnetic effects of nuclear reaction" vis-à-vis vice versa, just as you say!

Personally, i think you'll have to look outside "the mental frame of science as we know it" i.e. outside the box.

With "dark matter" my interpretation is that the materialistic view of science is finding itself in a dark, unopened, closed box! The viewer sees what his assumptions are based on in a dualistic inner-outer dichotomy! i.e. He sees writing on the wall, but doesn't understand it! Cause-effect is a similar duality!

My view is that a particle-interaction event with a field effect, magnetic or otherwise, is a DUALITY which actually falls apart instantaneously i.e. there is no cause-effect DUALITY except as it APPEARS outside in the APPARENTLY ASSumed field of space and time, or temporal disorder.
DUALITY arises instantaneously. It's THE DEVIL to understand it! But simply, at the IN STANT the pebble hits the water both the pebble and the water field are ONE! After that "things" fall apart. The answer is with the questioner BEFORE the question is framed!

In "the MENTAL frame of science as we know it" one may surmise that FUN-DA-MENTAL particles interact to cause magnetic field effects! But re-MEMBER Why is a magnetic field vector a pseudo vector? It is the cross product of two vectors. The cross product of two vectors is always a pseudo-vector. This is related to the fact that A x B is not the same as B x A

Essentially i suggest one looks into the precise nature and relationship of the entities one wants to understand. I suggest making no effort in this, but rather look impartially and let "things" fall into their natural places of themselves without any help from you in ordering them.

A magnetic field is directional i.e. N - S  Thus the "magnetic effects" that you are seeking would mean either a scalar strength change or a vector directional change. Magnetic fields are also interrelated with electrical charged particle currents, and i don't think they can be separated i.e. ANOTHER DUALITY! Attempts to separate a magnetic field from a charged electron current or charged proton polarity, i think, may lead to subtler forms of technology, but not to the understanding of what's really going on!

All fields, magnetic and others, are DUALISTIC i.e. they have no meaning in themselves without some "thing" or attribute in the field. Higgs' field is attributed with matter.

Within "the mental frame of science as we know it" nuclear-reaction events are not seen as primarily occurring within a magnetic field - unless one interprets the strong and weak nuclear forces or quark color etc. as phenomena in a magnetic field. PLEASE CHECK THIS AND LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU FIND. Electrons relate to electric charge and current, so protons/neutrons/quarks MAY relate to magnetic field polarity, directionality, or chirality. If so there is deeply imbedded directionality or orientation, as implied by a magnetic field, built into FUN-DA-MENTAL "things"!

Perhaps deep questioning into "things" carries the possible revolutionary effect of turning "the mental frame of science as we know it" upside-down! And it's about time!

I'm completely open to an apparent "magnetic" field orientating the consciousness of an observer so as to instantaneously spin the observer around any ASSumed place or point! Such a FUN-DAAA-MENTAL "magnetic-proton" directionality, "spinning-electron" motion, with resulting woven-fabric material world ENCLOSING AN OBSERVER ALL AROUND WITHIN THE BOUNDS OF THEIR OWN ASSumptions would indeed be PHENOMENAL!

THEREFORE ONE CAN SAY UNEQUIVOCALLY THAT YES, "NUCLEAR REACTIONS" AT THE HEART OF "THINGS" CAN, IN FACT, HAVE "MAGNETIC EFFECTS" ON THE DIRECTION OF "THINGS"... which interpreted means that events can change one's direction or "magnetic orientation" so as to completely change one's entire field of ASSumptions one squats on! Another interpretation is that ASSumptions are found to project HOLLOW GRAVES that are precisely meant for burying them in, and one finds one's self ASS-first gravitating down a BIG SHIT-HOLE sometimes called the ABYSS, or the BOTTOMLESS PIT!

Butt here... we enter META-physical TERROR-TORY MINDSCAPES where just about anything goes... like Higgs' dark matter, meaning his brain, dreaming up a Higgs' field in which matter APPEARS! Then, of course, there's Schrodinger's oblivious cat sitting in a perilous black box awaiting the outcome of a photon's pathway through a half-silvered mirror, completely isolated from all inner-outer communication. Therefore, even scientists DON'T KNOW the result, or what actually goes on!

So, perhaps, you now have some insights into the "things" blocking your pathology on the way to understanding... or perhaps Alice in Wonderland has better answers than the interpretation of my entrails... however, there's no perhaps about a stranger getting lost in a strange world!

The Shadow of Neofeudalism

with Light to dispell it

Neofeudalism - a term used to describe present-day social stratification, transnational corporations, neo-corporatism, globalization, labor and immigration policies - is involved in problems of wealth distribution arising from the huge social changes caused by modern industrial and technological revolutions. Neofeudalism focuses mainly on economics, but it also includes other geopolitical issues such as the earth's environment, human rights, and security which concern entire societies, states, transnational entities, regional divisions such as North versus South, "developed" versus "developing", "undeveloped" or "failed" states.

Feudalism is usually associated in the minds of most western-educated people with the Middle Ages in Europe where landholders, lords of estates and castles, effectively owned the serfs or peasants who worked the land and undertook the crafts and services required. Social, class and wealth disparities were quite well-defined. Such traditional land-based feudalism is still found in some parts of the world.

However, neofeudalism is not primarily based on land ownership, but rather on the industrial, technological and knowledge-based ownership of the means to produce goods and services. Its serfs or peasants are called workers or employees. The shift of neofeudalism from ties to the land gave rise to massive population migration and dislocation, generally described as urbanization, with the explosive growth of cities in modern times. Neofeudal business interests have generally located their operational headquarters near centers of state political power, while their factories and offices have been located in, or near, cities where landless serfs looking for employment have migrated and provided ready labor for their new corporate lords.

Neofeudalism especially defines the way business interests, and particularly transnational groups, actively push their private agendas using political-action committees and lobbying across all political parties to influence state policies. The projected result of private, wealthy individuals legally using their connections to strongly influence state policies for personal gain may be seen as an automatic, machine-like, or unintentional neofeudalism. But although private business interests may work with all political parties and appear to be non-aligned in the promotion of their agendas, they do give the impression of there being a cabal, conspiracy or closed, secret society intentionally guiding state and global policies. Such pressures on state and global politics by a wealthy elite are pushing towards a new kind of feudalism with a newly defined social structure.

The crucial question is how far private, corporate interests are allowed to override the public interest as supposedly expressed through free, fair, open democratic elections. A so-called "democracy" in which elected politicians are bought and influenced by private business interests is a deceptive democracy with a sham ritual of democratic voting which merely provides a cover for an oligarchy to rule by covertly influencing policies that are then not in the interests of the voting public! Public ignorance of the issues at stake also allows private interests, which certainly do know the issues at stake, to sway public opinion against the general public's own interests! Deceptive advertising, the secrecy of corporate information and knowledge, and the proffering of goods, services and jobs as sweeteners can sway voters.

Perhaps people do get the government they deserve due to their ignorance of the issues involved. If people identify themselves as job-serfs, peasants in need of work, they are likely to give rise to feudal lords who either will or will not provide them with their needs. Is this the way things inevitably work out for human cultures? Many people seem happy to be peasants or serfs, with a house to live in, a job to give them a decent lifestyle, and that's all.

Neofeudalism looms over the global horizon because we have not understood history and are condemned to repeat it! The key to our own personal dilemmas, as well as those of humanity as a whole, lies in our thorough understanding of the past, and not being ignorant of it.

If our visions, perspectives and worldviews can open and broaden out sufficiently to give us a feeling of unity, or community, with people worldwide - and if we understand that others are struggling with essentially the same dilemmas as our own - then we may discover a fertile field with vast resources, strength and health opening up which has been repeatedly plowed and turned over, or revolutionized before by our human struggles throughout history and geography. Such a re-membering, or the seeing of our selves as members of the whole human phenomena, or manifestation throughout time and space, can give our psyche, or soul, tremendous roots to nourish, renew and invigorate our health and well-being in new ground. Such deep and new foundations are required to bring a new day dawning with light shed freely on all throughout the whole world and boundlessly beyond.

Neofeudalism, or slavery, cannot loom and cast its shadow over those who understand such an open, free vision from the light or life within. This illuminating light within each of us is not the private property of any global elite or illuminati. It is our own life of self-sacrifice and understanding that lights our way through this world of the shadow of death. Until this is realized people will repeatedly look to others for that which they have misplaced or lost from themselves. This is why they are enslaved under the shadow of others in feudalistic, and again in neofeudalistic, systems over which they have no control. Such systems can be called the matrix, the machine or Big Brother. When we see and realize this, no matter where we find our selves in the system, we will be free from the dark shadow it casts over us, fearing it not. Only then are we boundlessly free to begin authentic lives anew on authentic grounds, not prescribed by others, but fully ours in a New Heaven, a New Earth, a New Creation.